Terrorist Name
Abdul Basit Usman


Abdul Basit Usman, a Filipino citizen, is a bomb-making expert with links to the Philippines-based Abu Sayyaf Group and Jemaah Islamiyah terrorist organizations operating in the southern Philippines. Due to these associations, US authorities consider Basit to be a threat to US and Filipino citizens and interests. Basit is believed to have orchestrated several bombings that have killed, injured, and maimed many innocent civilians.

Basit has been indicted in the Philippines for his role in multiple bombing incidents since 2003, and the Government of the Philippines has issued a warrant for his arrest. He is believed to be hiding in central Mindanao.

Up to  $1 Million Reward

If you have any information concerning this person, please contact your local FBI office if you are in the United States, or the nearest US Embassy or Consulate. If you prefer to use e-mail, send your information to rfj@state.gov. If you prefer to use the telephone, please call 1-800-US REWARDS.