President Obama Gives Post-Election Press Conference

President Obama held a press conference this afternoon, only a few hours after voters decided outcomes in elections across the country. He used the time to make a statement about the results – which saw many victories for Republicans, as well as some successes for Democrats – and to say what he hopes the now-divided government (Republicans control the House of Representatives, Democrats control the Senate and the White House) can do with the next two years.

Regarding the results, which included some heavy losses for his own party, the President said, “Yesterday’s vote confirmed what I heard from folks all across America. People are frustrated; they’re deeply frustrated by the pace of our recovery.” He added, “Over the last two years, we have made progress, but clearly too many Americans haven’t felt that progress yet, and they told us that yesterday. As president, I take responsibility for that.”

Reflecting on the divided government he said, “No one party will be able to dictate where we go from here,” and he made many mentions of the need for both sides to compromise to do the work the American people expect them to do. He added that although elected leaders are proud Democrats or proud Republicans, “we are prouder Americans.”

Recent memory tells us it is not unusual for the president to have to work with a divided government. All three of the most recent American presidents – Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and now Barack Obama – have seen their party suffer large losses during a midterm election.

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About Tanya Brothen

Tanya Brothen is a blogging enthusiast who began writing for the web on a whim. Now it’s her job.||She recently received a Master’s Degree in International Affairs and works as a New Media Officer for the State Department. Tanya not only writes for By the People, but also acts as the blog’s organizer, keeping everyone on topic and on time. To demonstrate her understanding of democracy, she holds regular blog team meetings and usually listens to what the others have to say.

15 thoughts on “President Obama Gives Post-Election Press Conference

    • I gree with you tim jones. I hope it will be more compromised gaining between Republican and Democrate for the running time ahead to keep a proudity of America’s standing up for the nation, both democrate and republican should realize that obama is running in his periode for a better life of the people of america living in the future.


  1. this will make Obama win in 2012 and I know Obama will win AGAIN !!!

    God bless obama

  2. Give him more time. He inherited a lot of mess from the previous regime. The
    effects of whatever steps taken by the current government will not be felt so immediately. It takes time. Are we not too impatient?

  3. As it is rare that we have any opportunity for unbiased news reporting in this country, it is obvious that this midterm election (more than any to date) was due to the pervasive smear campaign waged against the Democratic party and President Obama through all so-called media sources for the benefit of corporate america.

  4. mr. obama, to me, exemplifies jfk’s definition of courage i.e.grace under pressure. that’s how a president shows he has what it takes – when the goin’ gets tough he’s the man.

  5. I support your prayer to Barack Obama Mary hamm, but I don’t like a prediction of yours. It ‘s over and so far a head. It ‘s a wise to keep an optimisme in the heart of yours.

  6. OBAMA is a SMART President with leadership technological parameters matrix within his medulla of blongata of high acumenal polity management
    merit of our time.He is a leader who is smilingly compassionate, caring for others(voiceless, weak,aged and maimed physically or economically), holds people together and in particular himself accountable,sincerely,truly listens,dialogues, with unquestionable protocol integrity.OBAMA has positive magnitudinal attitude / gratitude, that empowers people, earns him a BIPARTISAN RESPECT and is willing to sacrifice in order to accomodate and serve his people excellently after the war and economic depression aftermath,
    By Prof.Moses Isaac Odhiambo (EU)

  7. Mr President Obama,
    Choose the right way is very difficult; once the right way chosen, the obstacles are not important; we fall and we stand up and continue the way chosen.
    You are in the Right Way, the way of Humanity. You are not alone. You will accomplish your dream.