End of U.S. combat mission in Iraq

Obama in oval office

The United States has ended its seven-and-a-half-year military operation in Iraq and is shifting to a civilian-led mission to build a partnership with the country that will strengthen its government, industry and people, President Obama told the American people in nationally televised address August 31.

“Tonight, I am announcing that the American combat mission in Iraq has ended. Operation Iraqi Freedom is over, and the Iraqi people now have lead responsibility for the security of their country,” Obama said. Some U.S. forces will remain to train Iraqi security officials.

“Through this remarkable chapter in the history of the United States and Iraq, we have met our responsibility,” Obama said. “Now, it’s time to turn the page.”

What do you think of the president’s remarks?

50 thoughts on “End of U.S. combat mission in Iraq

  1. j’admire la facon que le president a presente a l’Amerique les nouveaux objectifs pour les annees a venir .Il n’y a pas lieu de ne pas le faire confiance.Il veut une Amerique forte ,il appelle tous les Americains a se joindre a lui pour atteindre cet objectif.
    chez nous en haiti notre president ne s’est pas comporte en temps qu’homme d’etat lors de la catastrophe du 12 janvier .Il n’a pas lancer de mot d’ordre ce qui aurait pu mobiliser la nation face a ce drame.
    Merci M Obama pour cet exemple de leadership.vous etes une lumiere pour nous en Haiti.

  2. Y can’t we build our inner cities and help our americans youth. we give so much of our american money to this dirty war to murder and kill iraqi children

  3. KUDOS MR PRESIDENT! I, personally have been waiting for this announcement. I am thrilled to bits. Oh Yes We Can!

  4. Remembering is a noble and necessary act of PEACE for mankind. The call of attitude, gratitude, common sense, and ethical wisdom to memory, is the call to good life without sufferance, reaches us from the very dawn of chronological history of sobre and intelligible leaders of our time. No biblical commandment figures so frequently, so insistently, in the religion of the Bible. It is so incumbent and heart pulling upon us to remember the good work that committed leaders can do within a small space of time to save humanity.From the war the World Received ECONOMIC DEPRESSION and the devilish QUAGMIRE of the century. The Iraq war, the day of memory. On that day, the day of universal noble judgment, we all appeal to God to remember: our salvation as it depends on FAITH. God wished to remember our suffering,through OBAMA all will be well he saved us all.World of memory the rejection of war mongers-succint memory becomes a divine curse, one that would doom us to not repeat past disasters, past wars.

    Nothing provokes so much horror and opposition within the World tradition as war. Our abhorrence of war is reflected in the paucity of our literature of warfare

  5. I think Mr Obama is a great man & certainly makes an excellent president for United States.He inspires me & I admire his wonderful family.
    I think the president has caused the world at large to view the US in positive way again. I have a special interest in foreign affairs,the unites states,Israel,& CNN reporting on these two countries always gets my attention.

  6. President Obama’s announcement ending Operation Iraqi Freedom caught me by surprise. A great relief for all American Service Men and Women, their families and for the President. We all hope the Iraqi people are ready and able to continue building stability, security and peace. We must develop a “Welcome Home” campaign for our troops. Americans will want to be able to display and communicate our respect, national pride and appreciation for their service and sacrifice! Gail Mc Master, PA

  7. All American Forces should have left Iraq and fresh elections held including all parties.


    The Power of PEACE FOCUS: What the Worlds Greatest PEACE ACHIEVERS
    Know about The Secret of NOBLE Freedom and Success of humanity of mankind in the 21 st Century by OBAMA Administration sobre dialogue and succinct international protocol of good democratic governance polity management:Is the way obama handles discussions before him at across table dialogue

    Each sensible intelligible myth of the peaceful noble salvage. There are several reasons for this, of which, two of the most important are: 1) a democratic governance political motivation; 2) a vital and revitalized tradition of sobre concrete help thy-neighbour western thought from classical antiquity to our times.

    OBAMA’s concept of PEACEFUL myth is “PLAIN TRUTH” which is mightier for his noble peace prize achievement. However, after BUSH’s New invented Science of “BIOLOGICAL weapon Myth” had come to signify a higher and deeper truth of economic depression of Our own time. With OBAMA, and HIS ADMINISTRATION ,they have
    recognized the PEACEFUL MYTH as the voice of the sincerity of mankind and common sense of natural laws of humanity:[i] Thus we could propose a
    OBAMA PEACE NEGOTIATION pratical and theoretical model: there is a tradition which views mythical nobility of OBAMA perspective in Aristotelian terms and it is not at all confined to Academia, nor it is limited in time or space. For this current of thought of a sensible humane noble peaceful matrix dialogue by a young politician is a myth, any myth, may belong to fiction, but the OBAMA ADMINISTRATION is practical and real as we are seeing it in the polity management dimensional analysis, whether literary or not. Conversely, this IRAQ WAR was
    another tradi­tion, the paternity of which we could justifiably assign to obama s promise to end it.

    The case for the epistemology of the OBAMA NOBILITY myth is clear, for either a de-coding of the AMERICAN DREAM into real humane perspectives of rational concepts, or for an intuitive leap, based on accepted practical graphic prognosis
    standard research on the sustainable development outreach of mankind dynamically and kinetically , which tends to maximize the excellence, thus the authenticity, sincerity and integrity of the President s just short term in office
    signifies a myth of thorough background justification for ending the IRAQ WAR.

    Let peace prevail for the World and the children of tomorrow.

    By Moses Isaac ODHIAMBO

  9. the war ended and nobody cared we found no concrete proof of involvement with 9.11 never found osama bin laden and that was it war is over.

  10. The president of the world, no doubt started with peace keeping, which will bring alot of unionism within the middle east a good ground for progressive partnership that brings economic stability god on your side you will do more exploit yes we can.

  11. mr presidend this is good deciatuin but can you think this is the saloution of your mission……………………?

  12. As a part of living up the election bid, Preisdent Obama has accomplished the mission. However, there is still lots to testify the responsibility of US morale to fully ensure the civilian government of Iraq with civil liberty in post invasion period. We can hope for the better future for the people there with US support in reconstructing the war- torn psychology ahead.

  13. i’m looking forward to hear from you soon, i beg you to be help cos i’m really frustrated right now and i dont know what to do

  14. Hooray for President Obama, he has kept his word! It certainly is more than can be said for those responsible for getting us into a conflict we never should have gotten into!

  15. Mi opinion personal es:El presidente Obama va en camino de combertirse en uno de los mejores Presidentes de la Nación Americana.En el poco tiempo gue lleva a demostrado gue guiere lo mejor no tan solo para su Nación pero tanbien para todas las Naciones del planeta,Ademas se preocupa por estabilizar la clase media y a los pobres.En sus Relaciones exteriores a demostrado ser genial y esta teniendo ecxito en la guerra de Irak e afganistan .Personalmente todos los dias le pido a DIOS gue lo cuide con sus Ejercitos de Angeles y pueda permanecer en la presidencia hasta gue nos sague de este caos en gue nos metio el gov.anterior.

  16. Yo Invito a todos los latinos a leer el libro gue escribio el Presidente OBAMA antes de ser presidente para gue se enteren ustedes mismos de los pensamientos, el corazón y los sentimientos de este hombre.Hermanos latinos los politicos gue se oponen a todo lo gue sea de veneficio para las clases sociales de menos recursos son politicamente hablando de la extrema derecha y a su vez racistas por esta y otras razones no se dejen engañar porgue son expertos creando divición entre nosotros.Ellos tienen miedo a gue seamos una malloria dominante en la nación.Recuerden la verdadera DEMOCRACIA esta con losDEMOCRATAS .Que DIOS los vendiga a todos y vendiga a los ESTADOS UNIDOS de AMERICA y al PRESIDENTE BARACK OBAMA.

  17. “My comments on America’s Editors news bulletin of today’s date September 7 2010″

    I like and support President Obama for everything that America as country deserves after its transition into a period of change. It is not what matters through campaign news as highlighted because I do not understand the way it comes to be highlighted with calibration of either this or that. Americans of all categories are smart people in calling spade a spade through their inherent sensitivity as an open race open to the skies and I hold the skies. What have Editors to say on that? Look I am a very simple guy and my simplicity is for all to relish. For me there are no Democrats and no Republicans in the sense of political parties. I see a human President that has already emerged from the Matter of land as America and to him I bow as an individual of life. I am not there to score any kind of supremacy on anything because I am guided from within to relate myself as human. I am alone by myself with no physical assistance on my work and even that I accept as designed for me? And that is where I score a point over the heads who have all the lay outs of functioning in a democracy as yours – my Editors?
    No body should wonder on why I put my comments on Obama Today Blog – I do it because that is the way to go about fetching change for change – many in America may not like this comment and it is there for all to digest wondering because it concerns the soul of better half (lady) with the first half (Obama) as the first couple of America who cannot be searched inwardly. All I can say is both of them amply deserve to be be there for the world at large and I am acknowledging that on behalf of India where I am placed on my incomplete Divine works. Thats all I can say for the time being.

  18. i think ,iraqi goverment and people are not ready for this event the sitution of iraq will be more worse

  19. its about time that the us army will get out of iraq 7 years in iraq thousands of killed and wounded soldiers …

  20. It is a welcoming news but then the question is, has the mission for embarking on the war achieved?

  21. The Statue Of Liberty and President Mubarak Obama are symbols of the real United States of America ..more Power to you Mr. President

  22. The US President has many abilities and noble intentions that require the support of Americans and the West in genearl. Let us pray he gets enough of that support.

  23. i personally congratulate the president for making such a pronouncement by relieving the people of Iraq from fear danger and confusion that have be gulf them since time memorial when American intervene and combated their territory and government .it may sound so absurd to others but is good for people to have freedom and right to manage their own affairs.liberalism is a genuine factor to realized these innate belongings.thank you Mr president and may Iraqis leave to realized themselves in a peaceful condition.bravo the president.


  25. This is not a question for President Obama to answer. There is legacy behind it.

  26. President is doing what is right and at the same time he accepts part of the constitution as earlier Presidents have been doing to stay on course.

  27. What you mention as a peace loving person is right. We have to be patient to receive the end result of it because America is democracy that has been surviving on earlier principles and no body knew that change will take over through Democratic means of charisma that Obama and not President Obama had fetched for itself to be the President of America. There is ultimate good for the world at large in that unseen by many in America and all over the world and that is where President Obama stands bearing to survive on his laurels and he will succeed because the nature is with him by choice.

  28. The announcement was over due – It is good that President Obama got elected to retrieve the ego into a functioning executive order on withdrawal of American troops from Iraq. The less we talk on it the better it would be because Iraq also requires rebuilding effort to help America totally walk out of the ugly situation of government making and governing control. The unfortunate happening over Iraq in the past being controversial has its ebb that has to die as the time goes by because Iraq continues to go by America and not Obama wholly yet.

  29. Troops have to follow the executive order where the word like thanks for the President does not stand. It is good you have shown your happiness and that is absolutely legitimate.

  30. Yes that is a valid point and on that only the President Knows where the shoe pinches in a democracy that is continuation of the past and not new under Obama.

  31. No, that is out of context comment without highlighting the absurd logic on it to make logic for all to understand.

  32. Your carefully intellectual language in words stands always to greet Obama and I stand by your simple complex soul through words to drive excellence for yourself with every beat of your pulse for President Obama.

  33. Not the President of the world – yes Obama as others would like to see peace not only in Middle East but every where in the world with Obama charging on world affairs as President.

  34. One only makes good effort for solutions because solutions depend on moods and one cannot willfully enter into those!

  35. A good idea from not a bad idea. America is not shirking on its responsibility and all aid stands for asking and it depends who asks for what?

  36. this is to ravi kumar . y do you worry about the U.S so much you should look at india first. your own government of india can’t even take care of you people. India is a failure nation going to hell

  37. Yes, pls take care of Indian. They need you more. US don’t need you to be a superpower.

  38. Sorry, I do not belong to any government – I mean, “I belong to you first over all others to understand this and then for you to express your nationalism to see if you can become a worthy national for earth leaving aside all countries as lands”? I respect you as a true national of your land in as much as I respect myself for both India and America in terms of true equality inherent and that you would not understand – Sorry! Sorry, it is sorry to start this comment with and also to end with sorry.
    “Sometimes the unweighed negative charge exceeds its horizon only to find its landing in rough weather”. Sorry again BRO MAN – That’s it.