Eisenhower Army Medical Center
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General Surgery

Central Appointments: (706) 787-7300
Surgery Clinic: (706) 787-1144/2248/2011
Fax: (706) 787-1149

Our Mission: The General Surgery Service strives to provide state of the art comprehensive surgical care encompassing all aspects of medical treatment including preoperative evaluation, surgical procedures, major operations and postoperative recovery care.
Our Vision: Our vision is to provide World Class comprehensive and compassionate care to our Nation’s Warriors, their families, retirees and all other directed beneficiaries, while maintaining unit and personal readiness to meet the demands of our Nation.
Scope of Service: The General Surgery and Vascular Surgery Clinics of Dwight D. Eisenhower Army Medical Center are part of a full service Surgery Center staffed by Board Certified General Surgeons (specializing in fields including Surgical Oncology, Minimally Invasive Surgery, Colorectal Surgery and Surgical Critical Care) and board certified Vascular Surgeons.
Surgical Services: Brochure