Vendor Database

Welcome to the Acquisition Services Directorate vendor database. Registration is complimentary and voluntary. If you do not wish to register as a vendor, or are within the government, you may use our vendor database for research, simply "Search for Registered Vendors". Please use our database to increase your knowledge of companies that are also pre-registered in the System for Award Management (SAM)), formerly CCR, the Central Contractor Registration.

The goal of this database is to provide all companies – small or large -- with added exposure to program managers, contracting officers, and other key decision makers in the Federal Government. Inclusion in this database improves visibility for businesses and encourages networking between contractors looking to build relationships with the U.S. Government.

Please email us with any questions, suggestions, or concerns regarding this vendor database. We will respond to you within a 48 hour time frame. All submissions are reviewed, approved, and then posted in the database.

Vendor Database FAQs

1.  How does the vendor database help me?

First, the vendor database is an online database that holds slightly different information than the required System for Award Management (SAM), such as a capabilities statement.

Second, when market research is conducted for a specific project, Contracting Officers and Program Managers Federal-wide can search through our online database. Vendor research is conducted in SAM, and then the AQD vendor database can be viewed as a secondary source to provide additional information about a vendor's unique selling proposition.

Also, use the database as a networking/partnering tool for both prime and subcontracts.

2.   Do I need to be a registered vendor to receive an award?

No. You do not need to be registered in the AQD database to receive an award. However, the vendor database is a useful promotional tool that you may choose to use.

3.   Is my company registered in your database?

You may type in your corporate DUNS number to check if your company is registered and determine the main contact. If the contact is no longer with your company, please email us to update your file. If you need assistance, please email vendor database.

4.   My company is registered in the Vendor Database and I forgot my password. How do I obtain my Vendor Database password?

The Acquisition Services Directorate can email the username and password to the point of contact we have on file for your company.

5.   May I cancel registration in the database?

If at anytime you wish to remove your company information, you may do so by contacting Acquisition Services Directorate.

A note on privacy
The Acquisition Services Directorate does not sell, distribute, or otherwise misuse any information collected here. For more information on the Acquisition Services Directorate’s handling of sensitive information, please visit our Privacy Policy.