Eastern Africa

Africa Stories of Hope
-Africa: Secretary Clinton Travels to Africa (August 2009)
-Africa: The African Palliative Care Association (February 2006)

Democratic Republic of the Congo Stories of Hope
-Democratic Republic of the Congo: Congolese Musicians Raise HIV/AIDS Awareness in the DRC (January 2007)
-Democratic Republic of the Congo: Counseling by cell phone (February 2006)

Djibouti Stories of Hope
-Djibouti: Fighting HIV/AIDS in the Djiboutian Armed Forces (June 2006)

Ethiopia Stories of Hope
-Ethiopia: U.S. Donates Equipment, Vehicles worth $1.7 Million for Distribution of Medical Supplies (June 2011)
-Ethiopia: PEPFAR-Supported Clinical Adult Male Circumcision Services for the Military (June 2011)
-Ethiopia: U.S. Government Donates TB Diagnostic Equipment to Four Regional Labs (May 2011)
-Ethiopia: Celebrating International Women's Day in Hawassa (March 2011)
-Ethiopia: Ambassador Goosby Inaugurates Armed Forces Referral Teaching Hospital HIV/AIDS Center (March 2011)
-Ethiopia: U.S. Senators Visit St. Peter's Hospital in Ethiopia (March 2010)
-Ethiopia: Ambassador Goosby Visits Ethiopia, Participates in Roundtable Discussions on HIV/AIDS Programs (December 2009)
-Ethiopia: Festival Includes Voluntary HIV Counseling and Testing: Ethiopian Couples Receive the Gift of Knowledge (November 2009)
-Ethiopia: PEPFAR Small Grants Program Changes Lives for Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Ethiopia (July 2009)
-Ethiopia: In Ethiopia, Three Young Women Educate Classmates (March 2009)
-Ethiopia: Ethiopia Celebrates Life through World AIDS Day Posters (December 2008)
-Ethiopia: In Ethiopia, Urban Gardening Project Provides Income and Nutrition (August 2008)
-Ethiopia: Peace Corps Volunteers Return to Ethiopia (October 2007)
-Ethiopia: Ethiopian Television Show Aimed at OVCs features Olympic Gold Medalist (September 2007)
-Ethiopia: Ethiopia Hosts Third International Muslim Leaders' Consultation on HIV/AIDS (August 2007)
-Ethiopia: Improving Prevention of Mother-to-Child HIV Transmission Services at Bella Hospital (April 2007)
-Ethiopia: New Postgraduate Diploma to Improve Public Health Sector (April 2007)
-Ethiopia: People Living with HIV/AIDS Speak to the Nation (April 2007)
-Ethiopia: Talkline - A lifeline for people concerned about HIV/AIDS (February 2006)

Kenya Stories of Hope
-Sub-Saharan Africa: Public-Private Partnership Entertains as it Raises HIV/AIDS Awareness (February 2010)
-Kenya: United States and Kenya Enter into Partnership Framework to Fight HIV/AIDS (December 2009)
-Kenya: Comprehensive AIDS Indicator Survey in Kenya Reveals Urgent Need to Scale up HIV Counseling and Testing (November 2009)
-Kenya: In Kenya, Scholarship Program Helps OVC Find Hope for the Future (October 2009)
-Uganda and Kenya: Ambassador Goosby Visits Uganda and Kenya, Discusses Partnerships to Combat HIV/AIDS (October 2009)
-Sub-Saharan Africa: New Public-Private Partnership to Improve Blood-Drawing Practices in Sub-Saharan Africa (August 2009)
-Kenya: Global Business Coalition Honors Warner Bros. for "Pamoja Mtaani" Videogame (June 2009)
-Kenya: Bringing Home-based HIV Counseling and Testing to Western Kenya (May 2009)
-Kenya: Roundtable Helps Kenyan Journalists Report on Rape (March 2008)
-Kenya: Kenya Holds Training to Prevent Medical Transmission of HIV (September 2007)
-Kenya: Public-Private Partnerships Help Ensure a Safe Blood Supply (April 2007)
-Kenya: Supporting Survivors of Violence and Coercion (April 2007)
-Kenya: The Women of Orongo (April 2007)
-Kenya: Kenyan Family Sees "Shining Light" Through PEPFAR (March 2007)
-Kenya: Teaching HIV Prevention Through Sign Language (August 2006)
-Kenya: Education leads tribal elders to support women's inheritance rights (February 2006)
-Kenya: Integration of HIV and TB diagnostic testing results in improved ART access (February 2006)
-Kenya: Investments in safe blood supply have broad impact (February 2006)

Rwanda Stories of Hope
-Rwanda: Peace Corps Volunteers Return to Rwanda (February 2009)
-Rwanda: Men Are the "Secret Ingredient" in PMTCT Program (April 2007)
-Rwanda: Pooled Procurement and Capacity-Building Help to Scale Up Treatment (April 2007)
-Rwanda: Counseling Center Improves Quality of Life (August 2006)
-Rwanda: First PEPFAR ART Patient: A Life Transformed (August 2006)
-Rwanda: Coordination paves road to treatment success (February 2006)
-Rwanda: One Young Woman's Story: "I Love Children" means support for a courageous child and her household (February 2006)
-Rwanda: Supporting soldiers in keeping themselves and others safe from HIV (February 2006)
-Rwanda: TRACnet enhances monitoring of ART scale-up (February 2006)

Tanzania Stories of Hope
-Tanzania: United States and Tanzania Enter into Partnership Framework to Fight HIV/AIDS (March 2010)
-Tanzania: Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete Launches Angaza Zaidi HIV Counseling and Testing Program (May 2009)
-Tanzania: Fataki Campaign Changing Acceptance of Cross-Generational Sex in Tanzania (January 2009)
-Tanzania: Tanzania Launches National HIV/AIDS Testing Campaign (September 2007)
-Tanzania: Two New Prevention Initiatives Launched (June 2007)
-Tanzania: A Local Leader in the Fight Against HIV/AIDS (April 2007)
-Tanzania: Regionalization Facilitates Treatment Scale-Up (April 2007)
-Tanzania: PEPFAR Presents Motorcycles to the Tanzania Red Cross Society (October 2006)
-Tanzania: Reaching the Deaf with HIV/AIDS Information (September 2006)
-Tanzania: Bono sees progress on the ground (June 2006)
-Tanzania and Namibia: U.S. and host nation militaries bring leadership and teamwork to the fight (February 2006)

Uganda Stories of Hope
-Uganda: Small Grants, PEPFAR and Peace Corps Team Up to Support Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Uganda (January 2010)
-Uganda and Kenya: Ambassador Goosby Visits Uganda and Kenya, Discusses Partnerships to Combat HIV/AIDS (October 2009)
-Uganda: Athletes Leverage Basketball to Raise HIV/AIDS Awareness (September 2009)
-Uganda: New Public-Private Partnership Helps Ugandan Health Care Professionals and their Families (November 2008)
-Uganda: Ugandan Policemen Stop the Circle of Gender-Based Violence (February 2009)
-Uganda: Better Treatment Management through Better Labs (April 2007)
-Uganda: Door-to-Door Counseling and Testing Restores Hope for HIV-Discordant Couple (April 2007)
-Uganda: HIV-Positive Journalist Leads in the Fight Against HIV/AIDS (April 2007)
-Uganda: HIV-Positive Men Challenge Stigma: Ugandan Men Learn that Song, Laughter, and Drama Can Help People Overcome Stigma and Violence (April 2006)
-Uganda: Empowering Youth to Say No to Transactional Sex (August 2006)
-Uganda: Constructing a seamless web of effective prevention, treatment, and care (February 2006)
-Uganda: High quality treatment for the poorest (February 2006)

USA.gov U.S. Government interagency website managed by the Office of U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator
and the Bureau of Public Affairs, U.S. State Department.
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