HIV-AIDS and Tuberculosis

NELA Consortium AIDS Initiative in Nigeria

Orphans and vulnerable children and their care givers
Orphans and vulnerable children and their care givers in a community in northern Nigeria.

Children of Hope Project

Children displaying malt drinks
Children displaying malt drinks donated by Nigerian Breweries during club activities in Elu-Elu Community Umuahia, Abia State, Nigeria.

Enhancing Nigerian Capacity for AIDS Prevention (ENCAP) Program

Benue SACA and stakeholders develop the State HIV/AIDS Prevention Plan
Strengthening State Response: Benue SACA and stakeholders develop the State HIV/AIDS Prevention Plan with technical support from USAID
With about three million people infected with HIV out of a population estimated at 155 million, Ni

Medical Transmission / Injection Safety Program

demonstrating the safe use of needles and syringes
Demonstrating the safe use of needles and syringes during a training session

Of the 16 billion injections given worldwide each year, about 50% are unnecessary and unsafe, according to World Health Organization estimates. When unsterile injection equipment or d

HIV/AIDS Caregivers Achieve Peanut Butter Profits

Jamila and her husband proudly display their peanut butter.

Through USAID training, caregiver’s peanut butter business results in healthy household profits

Like many caregivers in Kano, northern Nigeria, Jamila is responsible for raising her children and caring for relatives affected by HIV/AIDS.  Previously, she relied on her husband or other sources for financial support. After her husband lost his job, and with six people in her household, Jamila had to find a means to provide for her family financially.

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