Congressman Michael Turner | Proudly Serving Ohio's 10th District

Press Releases

Turner Helps to Protect Local Jobs from Foreign Competition
Commerce Department Reverses Previous Decision on Lightweight Thermal Paper Duty

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Washington, Apr 25, 2011 - Recently the Department of Commerce agreed with Rep. Turner and reversed a preliminary ruling in order to protect Ohio jobs in the paper industry. The Commerce Department’s determination to impose a duty of 3.77 percent on those who are unfairly trading lightweight thermal paper was advocated for by Congressman Mike Turner. Appleton Papers, which employs 400 workers in West Carrollton, OH and 2,500 workers nationwide, will now receive greater protection from unfair foreign competition.

“This is good news for 400 southwest Ohio workers and their families. Our employees and businesses can compete with anyone in a fair environment. I am glad to have helped support this effort to impose a duty on unfairly traded lightweight thermal paper to keep these jobs in Ohio,” said Turner.

Turner and his colleagues in the Ohio delegation had previously urged Commerce Secretary Gary Locke to change the duty rate. Additionally, Turner wrote a letter to the Chairman of the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) in November of 2007 advocating for a reversal of the ruling. Turner also testified along with a bi-partisan group of State and Federal officials at the ITC on behalf of Appleton’s West Carrolton facility to help ensure that the ITC ruled in favor of Appleton in the trade subsidy dispute with foreign competition.

“We must work to protect American jobs and American manufacturing. This decision is critical to the American paper industry and to our local economy,” said Turner.

Appleton Papers is 100 percent employee-owned and in 2008, made a major commitment to the West Carrollton community by investing $125 million to significantly upgrade its facility, adding 35 jobs, and making it one of the world’s most advanced production facilities of lightweight thermal paper.

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