Tag Archives: AESDirect

Happy New Year!

by: Stephen On behalf of the Global Reach Blog Managers and the Foreign Trade Division (FTD) of the United States Census Bureau, we would like to say Happy New Year! We hope that you have enjoyed your holiday season and … Continue reading

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Survey Says…

Tell Us What You Think! Just a few weeks ago we sent out the 2012 Foreign Trade Division Customer Service Survey. Through this survey, we find out what you think about our customer support tools and services. Your responses gives … Continue reading

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What Is A Used Vehicle?

By: Eric It is always a great moment when you buy a car. It does not matter if it’s used or the dream car that you always wanted since you were a kid. Even if it has over 100,000 miles, … Continue reading

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Reuse of the Shipment Reference Number: Not Allowed

By: Nidaal Back in March 2011, I wrote Decoding the SRN. Let’s refresh our knowledge of the Shipment Reference Number (SRN) in the Automated Export System (AES). FTR Letter No. 2, is a memorandum that references Section 30.6(a)(19) of the … Continue reading

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I’ve never seen this pop-up before? Did the system change?

By: Eric As previously mentioned, AESDirect has a new platform and new servers. As part of the transition process, some changes were made to the checks and validations in AESDirect. Let’s take a look at changes that have generated the … Continue reading

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Important Pop-Ups in AESDirect

By Nidaal Filers that transmit Electronic Export Information (EEI) through the AESDirect system must wait for the automated response with their Internal Transaction Number. Sometimes, the response never comes through. Most of the time this can be resolved in one … Continue reading

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Resources at AESDirect.gov

By Nidaal When I first started in the Automated Export System branch of the Foreign Trade Division a little over a year ago, I found myself relying heavily on the information at our website in order to understand the nuances … Continue reading

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Featured Videos: Registering for and Filing A Shipment Using AESDirect

    These videos are taken from a series of Export Videos produced jointly by the US Census Bureau and International Trade Administration of the US Department of Commerce.  To view a complete list of all our videos, go to … Continue reading

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Are you reporting the correct Country of Destination?

By: Josephine When filing your shipment, it is very important to report the correct country of ultimate destination because this affects our monthly publication of the US export trade statistics. To report where your shipment is destined, you must provide … Continue reading

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