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Carl Rauscher
Director of Media Relations


Northwest Justice Project Releases New Resource for Helping Veterans

Friday, June 15, 2012

The Northwest Justice Project (NJP) has released a new resource: Representing Washington Veterans: Basic Legal and Cultural Concepts

"The spectrum of veterans’ services and referrals in Washington State at the federal, state, county, and local levels is overwhelming for even the most resourceful individual," said Executive Director César Torres.  "This manual introduces the advocate to those services, benefits and institutions focused on veterans, best practices for working with veterans, legal issues commonly faced by low-income veterans, and referrals listed by county."    

The manual was developed and written by Lauren Peach, an Equal Justice Works-AmeriCorps Legal Fellow serving as NJP’s Veterans Project attorney, and veteran Leo Flor, who is a William H. Gates Public Interest Law Scholar, and a student at the University of Washington School of Law.  

In addition to the National Corporation for Community Service (AmeriCorps), funding to NJP’s Veterans Project has been provided by the King County Veterans Levy, the Washington State Department of Veteran Affairs, WSBA’s LAMP (Legal Assistance to Military Personnel) Section, and the Osborne Family Foundation.