Tag Archive: Digital content


Government as an Information Franchise


  The Digital Government Strategy represents best practices in today’s web services landscape. The Strategy outlines a path to making government web services faster, more cost-efficient and higher-performing. It also frames out the digital government that everybody wants by making government information more flexible, actionable and easier to use. Caveat: I will be using certain …

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Digital Analytics Program to Help Agencies Measure Web Performance

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Support for agencies’ implementation of upcoming Digital Government Strategy milestones continues with the rollout of the Digital Analytics Program to help agencies measure performance and customer satisfaction to improve service delivery. This new program helps agencies by providing digital metrics guidance and practices, training and tools and implementation support. The Digital Government Strategy Milestone 8.2 …

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Introduction to APIs

CDC maintains multi-channel content in real-time with their API.

There’s an easier way to get content and data into the hands of citizens. Application Programming Interfaces, or APIs, are web services that allow people to more easily consume content and data in multiple ways–via mobile devices,  mobile apps, innovative mash-ups, and much more.  Simply put, APIs are a better way to get government information …

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