Division of Genomic Sciences Staff

Adam Felsenfeld, Ph.D.

Adam Felsenfeld
Program Director
The NHGRI Genome Sequencing Program (GSP)

Division of Genome Sciences

B.S. University of Pennsylvania, 1982
Ph.D. University of Oregon, 1989

phone (301) 496-7531
fax (301) 480-2770
e-mail felsenfa@exchange.nih.gov
5635 Fishers Ln
Room 4076, MSC 9305
Rockville, MD 20892-9305

Adam Felsenfeld, Ph.D., is a program director with overall responsibility for the NHGRI Genome Sequencing Program (GSP), and specific responsibility for the NHGRI Large Scale Genome Sequencing and Analysis Centers (LSAC) component of the program. Dr. Felsenfeld is involved with all aspects of the program, including monitoring and assessing progress, selecting and coordinating new sequencing projects, policy related to data deposition and release of human sequence data, and strategic planning.

Dr. Felsenfeld is also involved with NHGRI programs in functional genomics and proteomics, and is a co-lead on the NIH Common Fund Protein Capture Initiative. He has broad interests in the genomics of inherited disease, comparative genomics, genome structure and evolution, proteomics, developmental genetics, and systems biology.

Dr. Felsenfeld received his undergraduate degree (majors in biology and philosophy) from The University of Pennsylvania (1982), and Ph.D. (zebrafish developmental genetics) from the University of Oregon (1989).

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Last Updated: November 26, 2012