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Posted 3/28/2007 Printable Fact Sheet

Tethered Aerostat Radar Systems (TARS) Interactive Display System (TIDS):
PMS/SC spearheaded the development of this state-of-the-art aerostat monitoring tool. TIDS provides aerostat flight directors unprecedented insight in to real-time operations of the aerostat during in-haul, out-haul, and at altitude. Deployed in 2001, the system provides graphical representations of stresses and aerostat condition while airborne, as well as meteorological data. Future TIDS development will include monitoring while the aerostat is moored.

Wind Profiler:
- Wind profilers provide wind information in the data-sparse region between ground and aerostat
- Coupled with additional meteorological information and a local area numerical weather model, wind profiler data can be used to predict onset of hazardous conditions
- Wind profiler data can be used to monitor onset of hazardous wind conditions, such as:
Convective downdrafts/updrafts
Wave activity
Horizontal wind shear
- The first wind profiler became operational at Ft. Huachuca AZ TARS site in October 2001

Aerostat Radio Repeater Assembly (ARRA):
The ARRA package is a VHF/UHF non-secure radio platform attached to the Tethered Aerostat Radar System and is used to extend line-of-sight (LOS) communications. The system typically links ground-air transmit/receive (GATR) sites to aircraft and can overcome terrain obstacles that can affect normal LOS communications.

Aerostat Camera Surveillance System:
This system offers 360-degree video coverage; cameras have pan-tilt-zoom control for greater diversity. Images are monitored by site personnel and digitally recorded for future use if needed. Primary system function is aerostat surveillance, but system is highly flexible and can fill multiple roles as mission requirements dictate.

Counter- Drug Surveillance and Control System (CSCS) Communications Re-configuration:
This configuration consolidated 12 satellite communications links in five countries into a single bulk bandwidth buy with a recurring savings of over 1 million dollars per year. It established a secondary network to provide direct satellite links from the surveillance site to the host nation control center. It also replaced outdated satellite communications equipment at three facilities in addition to creating a new dedicated teleport in the Continental United States using state-of-the-art equipment to provide data and communications circuits to the Joint Southern Surveillance Reconnaissance Operations Center.

CSCS Site Installation at Tres Esquines, Colombia:
CSCS installed the first post "re-configuration" surveillance site and added critical communications capabilities that set the standard across the system. It also provided planning and engineering inputs throughout the design/installation phase that virtually guarantee site performance and upgrade-ability in the foreseeable future.

Forward Operating Locations Communications Systems Conversion:
Currently in the engineering phase, this project will correct current shortfalls in equipment supportability and expandability and will reduce recurring satellite bandwidth charges.

Aerostat Fixed Mooring System Snow Pillow Modification:
During the conversion from the 71M to the 420K aerostat, it was noted that the 420K aerostat windscreen rests directly over the flying sheath on the mooring platform, which, in heavy snowfall could load the aerostat and cause damage to the windscreen and radar package. SC was instrumental in developing requirements and coordinating contractor modifications to solve this problem.

L-88 Version 3 Radar System:
A notable achievement by ACC AMIC/PSC is the procurement of a lightweight Tethered Aerostat Radar System (TARS). As the lead, PSC developed strict weight, reliability, and maintainability requirements for a radar system compatible with all aerostats in the TARS Program. SC aggressively negotiated costs of the first system reducing it by more than $4 million, with all objectives of this major procurement intact. Identified as the L-88(V)3, the first system will be delivered in July 2003 at Cudjoe Key, Fla., The L-88(V)3 is a state-of-art radar integrating new technologies like solid state transmitter, advanced Identifiy, Friend or Foe (IFF) interrogator and extensive Built-In-Test (BIT). The L-88(V)3 offers superior performance over old systems - detection range of 200 nautical miles, greater clutter rejection, improved target detection, high reliability and ease of maintenance.
DSN: 574-9179

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