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National Wetlands Research Center

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Educational Resources

Providing information about wetland ecosystems and the natural-science themes that define the U.S. Geological Survey's research areas is very rewarding. Communicating science involves a combination of expertise, intellect, and creativity. For science to have impact, it must be clearly communicated and easily accessible. The NWRC connects people with scientific research findings through several approaches: publishing, the Web, social media, a USGS branch library, and communications and outreach activities. Links to educational resources are provided below.

  • Fragile Fringe Teachers' Guide - Assistance for educators who teach about wetlands
    This material provides a basis from which a comprehensive study of coastal wetlands can be developed based on classroom needs. Users are encouraged to modify information and activities to accommodate different levels of students. For example, some activities may be used as demonstrations for younger grades or as hands-on activities for older students. Grade level designations are suggestions only.

  • Gulf of Mexico Alliance Environmental Education Network - A joint project with the Gulf of Mexico Alliance (GOMA)
    The GOMA Environmental Education Network offers resources that address priority issues identified by the Gulf of Mexico Alliance (ecosystems, habitats, nutrients, water quality, and coastal resiliency). You’ll find educational resources, including lesson plans, reports, games, images, information on science careers and field experiences, cool projects, upcoming events, and more -- all in one location!

  • NWRC Education and Outreach CollectionBooks, journals, lesson plans and more available through the NWRC Library
    To limit your search of the online catalog to the education and outreach collection, select “words or phrases” from the drop-down box, click on “match all words” and type education/outreach into the search box.

  • USGS and Science Education - Links to online educational resources
    The U.S. Geological Survey provides scientific information intended to help educate the public about natural resources, natural hazards, geospatial data, and issues that affect our quality of life. Discover selected online resources, including lessons, data, maps, and more, to support teaching, learning, education (K-12), and university-level inquiry and research.

  • WETMAAP: Wetland Education Through Maps And Aerial Photography - A joint project with Chadron State College and the NASA/University of Louisiana at Lafayette Regional Application Center
    WETMAAP is designed to (1) introduce educators to wetland habitats, wetland mapping, databases, and Geographic Information System (GIS) technology; (2) integrate wetland issues into existing curricula; and (3) promote public awareness of wetland loss issues and provide an understanding of the causes and effects of wetland change. Check it out!

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