Social Security

The federal government must and will honor its commitment to a secure retirement for all of our nation's seniors who have paid into Social Security. Period.

We must ensure that Social Security remains financially strong and viable for this and future retirement generations.

I have supported strong measures to help achive these goals, including: 

Repealing the Social Security Earnings Limit so seniors who work aren't penalized.

Supporting the repeal of the Clinton tax increase on Social Security benefits.

Coauthoring legislation to fix the notch baby and government pension offset problems.

Introducing Lock Box legislation to make sure Washington politicians can't raid the Social Security Trust Fund to pay for other unrelated programs.

Enacting real Social Security cost-of-living adjustments that actually keep up with increasing costs for food, prescription drugs, and energy.

U.S. Senate Finance Committee

U.S. Senate Budget Committee

President's Commission to Strengthen Social Security

Social Security Administration


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