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How do I make a FOIA request?

If you want to submit a FOIA inquiry, send a written request to the FOIA office where the record is located, describe the records you want as specifically as possible and tell us the upper limit you will be willing to pay. Furnish any facts or clues about the time, place, person, event, subject or other details of the information or records you want. That will help us decide where to search and determine what records pertain to your request. It can also save you and the government time and money, and you may get what you want faster. There is no special form to complete. You may mail it, hand-carry it, fax it, or send it electronically. Mark your request and envelope "FOIA."

What is the cost for a FOIA request?

The FOIA allows fee charges based on the requestor's category. There are three categories: commercial (pay search, review and reproduction fees); educational, noncommercial scientific institution and news media (pay reproduction fees -- first two hours search and 100 pages provided at no cost); and others (pay search and reproduction fees -- first two hours search and 100 pages provided at no cost). The FOIA also allows waivers or reductions in fees if disclosing the information is in the public interest.

What is the response time to the request?

Normally, you can expect a response to your FOIA request within 20 working days from the date the proper FOIA office receives it. If a special situation exists, the FOIA office will contact you with a estimated completion date and explain the reason for delay. The Air Force works requests on a first-in, first-out basis.

What records are not provided?

The FOIA provides access to federal agency records (or parts of those records) except those protected from release by nine specific exemptions. These are the reason some Air Force records may not be released: 

1. Classified.
2. Internal personnel rules and practices.
3. Exempt by other statue.
4. Commercial information that would cause competitive harm.
5. Predecisional, deliberative information.
6. Invasion of personal privacy.
7. Complied for law enforcement purposes.
8. Contained in or related to examination, operation or condition reports prepared by, on behalf of, or for the use of an agency responsible for the regulation or supervision of financial institutions.
9. Geological and geophysical information and data, including maps, concerning wells. 

You have the right to appeal all denial decisions within 60 days. Send appeals to the secretary of the Air Force through the office that initially denied you the information.

Where do I send a FOIA request to?

For fastest response times, the Air Force has decentralized the Air Force FOIA program. Air Reserve Personnel Center requests are handled through the FOIA office at DSN 847-3089 or 720-847-3089 or by fax at DSN 847-3910 or 720-847-3910. 

No single office handles all FOIA requests. Every Air Force base has a FOIA office that can help you direct your request to the proper FOIA office. If you don't know which Air Force activity has the records you want, send your requirements to: 

1000 Air Force Pentagon
Washington DC 20330-1000

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