Policy Initiatives

Children's Dental Health

We work to advance policies that improve kids’ oral health, allowing them to maintain healthy mouths, get the restorative care they need, and come to school ready and able to learn.

Election Initiatives

We partner with state and local election officials, the private sector and others to foster an election system that achieves the highest standards of accuracy, convenience, efficiency and security.

Government Performance

For more than a decade, we have been the nation’s premier source for comprehensive and independent information about state management. Our mission is to improve service to citizens by strengthening government policy and performance.

Home Visiting

We partner with policy makers and advocates to promote smart state policies and investments in quality, home-based programs for new and expectant families.

Partnership for America's Economic Success

We work to amplify the voice of business leaders in support of early childhood policies that strengthen our economy and workforce.

Pre-K Education

We work to expand access to high-quality prekindergarten programs, including developing accountability systems for state prekindergarten programs, for all three- and four-year-olds in the United States. 

Public Safety Performance

We work with states to advance fiscally sound, research-based sentencing and corrections policies and practices that protect public safety, hold offenders accountable and control costs. 

States' Fiscal Health Project

We conduct ongoing research and analysis on how states can make strategic investments, run government more efficiently and effectively and be responsible fiscal stewards. Our work provides expertise and support for sustainable budgeting and wise investments in good times and bad.

Results First

We help states assess the costs and benefits of policy options, and use that data to make decisions based on results.

Research Topics

The Pew Center on the States conducts ground-breaking research in many areas of critical importance to state policymakers. Our research is tailored to help states make sound, data-driven policy choices.

State View

The 50 states differ dramatically in how—and how well—they address critical policy issues, resulting in leaders and laggers.

Practically, for citizens, this means where they live matters a great deal about their quality of life.

Find out how the states fare.

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