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Tag: women

Finding Alice

Several months ago, as part of a processing project relating to Record Group 516: Records of the Federal Judicial Center, 1967 – 1994, I did a little research on a woman named Alice L. O’Donnell. In the Archives Research Catalog, also known as ARC, a researcher can, according to the Archives.Gov website,  search by a [...]

Women at Work

Today’s salute to Women’s History Month is written by Alfie Paul, a processing archivist who works with civilian textual records.  “We didn’t want women, but now they’re here we’ve found they are just as fast and just as capable as the men.  They are all right.” From “When You Hire Women,” Special Bulletin #14, 1944 [...]

A Piece of Women’s History in Record Group 498: “The WAC”

Today’s post is written by Lopez D. Matthews, Jr., an Archives Technician in the Holdings Management Division at Archives II.  Celebrate Women’s History Month and discover the the WAC! The story of women in the military is one of strength and courage in the face of discrimination and doubt. Part of the story can be [...]


