Press Releases

Jan 26, 2011

Harper Receives Subcommittee Chairmanship

Issues: Elections

“I am honored that Chairman Lungren has selected me to lead the Republican efforts for fair and principled elections,” said Harper. “I am eager to work on legislation that will modernize the voting process, safeguard against election fraud, and protect Americans’ right to vote.”

Jan 25, 2011

Harper Reacts To President's Address To Congress

Issues: Congressional Issues, Economy & Jobs, Spending Cuts & Debt

“Actions always speak louder than words. I welcome the President’s change of heart and look forward to his joining Republicans in our efforts to create jobs, drive down spending and shrink the size of the federal government.”

Jan 19, 2011

Harper: 'Affordable Care Act' Is Politics Above Economics

Issues: Health Care

“The so-called ‘Affordable Care Act’ is nothing short of politics above economics. This penalizing law is loaded with excessive constraints and oppressive federal mandates on states. As Medicaid rolls rise, state revenues continue to fall, and this law only increases the challenges that Governors face in their attempts to balance their budgets."

Jan 5, 2011

Harper Takes Oath For Second Term In U.S. House

“I am eager to enact our governing agenda that focuses on creating jobs, reducing spending and slashing the size of the federal government,” said Harper, a Republican who represents the Third District of Mississippi. “Republicans will take swift action to turn America from the failed economic policies of the White House, to the conservative principles that promote prosperity through individual freedoms and liberties from the federal government.”

Dec 16, 2010

Harper Votes To Avoid Largest Tax Increase In U.S. History

Issues: Economy & Jobs, Spending Cuts & Debt, Tax Reform

“Republicans have not wavered in the least from our economic policies. This bill is the result of the first bipartisan negotiation led by our President since he was inaugurated nearly two years ago. Surprisingly, the deal that was reached adopts Republican priorities in terms of tax policy and for the most part rejects Democratic priorities."

Dec 9, 2010

Harper Selected For House Energy And Commerce Committee

Issues: Economy & Jobs, Energy, Health Care

“As the son of a former petroleum engineer, I have always been interested in energy policy,” said Harper. “I support an all of the above energy strategy that harnesses new technologies and increases American energy production ultimately leading to an energy independent America. Mississippi has an opportunity to lead the nation in renewable technologies through projects like the Kemper County clean-coal plant.”

Dec 8, 2010

Mississippi Lawmakers Celebrate Decision To Place C-27J Training Mission At Key Field Air Guard Base

Issues: Defense & Security

“Gaining the C-27J training mission is a tribute to the men and women of Key Field and their ability to adapt and succeed at any task or mission they are given,” said Harper. “Key Field was evaluated alongside several impressive bases during the Air Force’s site survey process, and I am confident that the base’s past successes and the friendly nature of the people of Meridian influenced the Department of Defense’s decision.”

Nov 17, 2010

Harper Re-Elected By Peers To GOP Steering Committee

“I’m so honored to serve again on the Republican Steering Committee and I want to thank my classmates for instilling their trust in me to be a voice for the sophomore class,” said Harper. “I am eager to work with Republican leaders to advance our jobs agenda that focuses on reducing runaway federal spending and reforming Congress.”

Oct 15, 2010

Harper Supports New Formula To Reflect Seniors' Cost Of Living

Issues: Seniors

“I am excited about working with Members of Congress to enact this important legislation that will have a positive impact on Mississippi’s seniors,” said Harper, a freshman Republican who represents Mississippi’s Third Congressional District. “This formula would better measure seniors’ expenses, most of which are living on a fixed income and battling this economic downturn.”

Oct 12, 2010

Harper Statement On Deepwater Drilling

Issues: Energy

“As a vocal opponent of the deepwater drilling moratorium, I am delighted to learn that the Department of Interior has revisited this ill-advised policy. Oil and gas exploration not only fuels our homes, businesses and vehicles; drilling also fuels our economy. Over 100,000 Gulf region residents hold oil-related jobs."
