NCVLI - National Crime Victim Law Institute


NCVLI fights for victims through legal advocacy, training and education, and public policy.

  • NCVLI Advocates for Victims to have Meaningful Participation

    In December, with the help of NAVRA attorney Mike Fell, NCVLI filed an amicus curiae brief in the case of State v. Peterson.  We are fighting for the rights of all crime victims in California to be treated fairly so that they can meaningfully participate in the cases against their offenders!
  • Save the Date for NCVLI’s 11th Annual Crime Victim Law Conference

    Save the date for NCVLI’s 11th Annual Crime Victim Law Conference, Enhancing Justice: Empowerment Through Victims’ Rights, to be held in Portland, Oregon June 8-9, 2012.  This two day Conference will also include an intensive Pre-Conference Institute on June 7.  Visit the Conference homepage to nominate people and teams for the Outstanding Achievement Awards and to learn about the Law Student Writing Competition.
  • Read NCVLI’s 2010-2011 Annual Report

    NCVLI’s Annual Report, published each fall, is an opportunity to learn more about our work to help individual crime victims move toward becoming survivors, and to establish legal precedent so that tomorrow’s victims benefit from today’s efforts.  We thank our amazing community of survivors, attorneys, advocates, volunteers, and donors who stand behind our vision of a balanced and fair justice system.


January 27th, 2012

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    NAVRA member Keith Franz has long been a victims’ advocate and recently served as Counsel of Record on two cases for which NCVLI filed Amicus Curiae briefs before the United States Supreme Court.
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    NCVLI founder and Lewis & Clark Law School Professor, Doug Beloof, is lecturing on and researching victims’ rights in Turkey, Japan, Australia and India.
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    Sarah Hays is a dual degree candidate in Law and Conflict & Dispute Resolution at the University of Oregon School of Law who interned with NCVLI’s Safeguarding Child-Victims’ Rights Initiative during the summer of 2011.   

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