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Political Section

The Political Section is responsible for representing official U.S. views on political matters before the Philippine government and for reporting on key developments in the Philippines. Representation may include such matters as disarmament, military cooperation between our two states, or issues that come before the UN. Reporting includes such matters as campaigns and elections, human rights, foreign relations, and regional affairs. 

Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor Programs

The mission has an active program for promoting democratic values, human rights and respect for International Labor Organization worker rights and labor standards. The program seeks to work with government, business and NGO representatives to explain U.S. policy and foster cooperation on these important issues. 

The program makes available annually certain guideline documents on these issues, including the U.S. State Department Human Rights Report and the Investor's Guide to the Philippine labor market. 

  • Country Reports on Terrorism
  • Country Reports on Human Rights Practices
  • Supporting Human Rights and Democracy: The U.S. Record
  • Trafficking in Persons Report
  • International Religious Freedom Report
  • International Narcotics Control Report
  • United States Government Grants to Combat Trafficking in Persons - Philippines
  • United States Government Grants to Promote DHRL - Philippines
  • US Law Enforcement Assistance to the Government of the Philippines
    • updating



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