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Statement of Work

EEOC Training Institute:
Training Space for FEDERAL SECTOR COURSES - Washington, DC Location
June - August 2013
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Office of Field Programs
Revolving Fund Division
January 30, 2013



The EEOC through its EEOC Training Institute offers training courses and seminars which provide education and technical assistance to employers, attorneys, unions, and other interested parties in the Federal and private sectors on the laws enforced by EEOC. For calendar year 2012, the EEOC Training Institute has a requirement for a contractor to provide training space for some of its Federal course offerings.

The EEOC Training Institute has already developed course materials for this training and will provide the instructors. The contractor shall provide the training room, snacks/beverages for breaks, and training aids/audiovisual requirements as needed.


The purpose of this Statement of Work is to seek a contractor to provide a full service training facility. This should include training rooms, snacks/beverages, audiovisual and training aid support for the EEOC Training Institute federal sector courses being offered as follows:

Dates for Courses:

- June 10-14, 2013: one class, 35 attendees max, 8a-5p M-TH, 8a-12p F;
- June 25-26, 2013 one class, 35 attendees max, 8a-5p T-W;
- July 23-24, 2013: one class, 35 attendees max, 8a-5p T-W;
- August 6-8, 2013: one class, 35 attendees max, 8a-5p T-TH;


Section A: Business Services

Check-in Services: Check-in of registered attendees will occur between 8:00 AM and 8:30 AM on the first day of each course. Contractor will provide space for check-in of attendees and access for set-up of meeting room(s) to distribute training materials prior to the beginning of each class.

Secured Storage Space: The contractor shall provide for the receipt and accommodation of government course materials (up to 6 boxes per course, each weighing about 25-30 pounds) prior to the scheduled course. The contractor shall store the materials received in a secure place accessed only by an authorized EEOC official.

Other Services: The contractor shall provide access to a telephone, a facsimile machine and copying services during the course. These services shall be provided at a reasonable rate, if there is a charge. Reasonable rates are based on the average rate charged by comparable facilities.

Section B: Meeting Rooms

Meeting rooms should be designed with training or instruction as the main purpose of design. The contractor shall provide the following facilities:

  • Space: One large room (per class) with seating in rounds or pods of 4-6 persons each. The room shall accommodate 26-30 participants comfortably with adequate space for material and writing room, with each table having moveable chairs.
  • Sound Acoustics: Room must have a suitable sound system so all participants may hear and ask questions of the speakers. Walls should be constructed in such a manner that they confine sound and reduce or prevent the transmission of extraneous sound. Meeting rooms that are divided by partitions must be sound proof enough to prevent disturbance from other outside traffic. Meeting rooms should be equipped with a working sound system which may be controlled by the speaker and which projects equally to all areas of the room.
  • Furniture: Chairs and tables or desks of sufficient size and in acceptable condition. Acceptable condition means that furniture is not broken, soiled, rusted or damaged in any way that would injure the individuals or damage clothing. Chairs must be comfortable for long periods of sitting. Note that aisle space, including the space between tables or desks, needs to be accessible for a person in a wheelchair.
  • View of Speakers: Rooms should be configured as to allow every participant a clear view of the speaker and all visual aids.
  • Lighting: Rooms should be well lit to accommodate extensive reading and writing. Lighting should be uniform and should not produce a glare.
  • Ventilation: Meeting room should have adequate ventilation, heating and air conditioning which maintains air quality and room temperature at comfortable levels when rooms are at maximum capacity.
  • Security: Meeting space should be secured (keyed or cardkey entrance) so class attendees may leave their training materials and personal belongings in the classroom when class is not in session.

Section C: Food and Beverages

All food and beverage services need to be located in areas accessible to individuals with disabilities (e.g. wheelchair-accessible).

  • Continental Breakfast. The contractor shall provide each morning of each training course, a continental breakfast of danishes, muffins, fruit, and freshly brewed regular and decaffeinated coffee, tea and assorted fruit juices, to be available at 7:30 a.m. Food shall be left in the area until after the morning break.
  • Morning Break. The contractor shall serve the AM break each training day, between 10 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. The AM break menu shall consist of the following beverages (i.e., refresher regular and decaf coffee, hot and ice tea, bottled water, and ice).
  • Lunch. Attendees will be on their own for lunch.
  • Afternoon Break. The contractor shall serve the PM break each training day, beginning at 2:00 p.m., (except Friday for the week-long courses). The PM break menu shall consist of beverages and light snacks (i.e., sodas, bottled water, cookies/brownies or fruit and ice water, etc.).

Section D: Audio Visual Requirements

The large Meeting Room shall provide the following:

  1. A computer projection screen to provide adequate viewing for a room with 35-40 attendees.
  2. An LCD projector either built into the room or provided on a movable cart with electrical connections and cords to accommodate both the LCD projector and a laptop computer.
  3. A laptop computer or other technical device to run Microsoft Powerpoint programs.
  4. Flipchart requirements: 7-8 flipcharts, one for each table of 6 students and one for the front of the room.
  5. The contractor will be responsible for setting up the audio-visual equipment and assisting instructors throughout each training session.

Section E: Location

The training facility/facilities must be located in the Washington, DC, Metropolitan Area. The facility must be within 5-10 minutes walking distance of a WMATA Metro station (regularly running free shuttle service must be within 5-10 minutes from a WMATA metro station to the training facility is also acceptable).

Section F: Other Requirements

Parking: Adequate parking for all participants should be available adjacent to the facility or in the immediate surrounding area.

Accessibility: All facilities and equipment, including rest rooms, must be fully accessible to individuals with disabilities. The facility shall meet all Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 requirements.

Section G: Contracting Officer's Representative (COR)

Responsibilities: The COR is responsible for guiding the technical aspects of the project and general surveillance of the work performed under this purchase order, including the following: Furnishing all instructions necessary for performance, inspection and acceptance of the services; and certification of the contractor invoices. The COR is not authorized to make commitments or change any of the terms and conditions of this purchase order.

Designation: To be completed at time of award

Section H: Confirmation and Cancellation Policies

The Contracting Officer's Representative, will contact the contractor within 72 hours of the event, to confirm the number of participants for the refreshment order.

Should EEOC elect to cancel a particular training class, it will provide a written notification of cancellation to the contractor no later than 10 calendar days prior to the scheduled course date. Should EEOC elect to cancel the entire purchase order, it will provide a written notification of cancellation to the contractor no later than 10 calendar days prior to the first scheduled course date. By receipt of this written cancellation notification within the period specified, the contractor agrees to release EEOC from any cancellation penalties or charges. If there is a cancellation within 10 calendar days of the scheduled event date, Paragraph (l) Termination for the Government's Convenience or (m) Termination for Cause of FAR 52.212-4, Contract Terms and Conditions - Commercial items shall govern. Acknowledge acceptance of these terms in your response. The EEOC Training Institute is part of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and as a federal agency, is not subject to state and local taxes.

Section I: Type of Contract

This is a firm fixed price purchase order.

Section J: Method of Payment

Payment for services rendered will be made via government-wide commercial purchase card. The contractor shall submit an invoice to the Contracting Officer's Representative within 5 days following the event. Any invoice submitted must reference the purchase order number identified in Block 3 of page 1 of the purchase order. The contractor agrees not to apply any charges to the government purchase card until the final invoice has been reconciled by the Contracting Officer's Representative and the COR authorizes the charge.

Section K: Special Contract Requirements

The EEOC reserves the right of choice of venue should litigation/arbitration of this purchase order be necessary.

The US government is self-insured. EEOC does not purchase general liability insurance but, under the Federal Tort Claims Act, the U.S. is liable for damages to persons or property caused by the negligent actions of its employees acting within the scope of their duties. In addition, federal employees who are acting in the scope of their duties are covered by the Federal Workers Compensation Program.

Section L: Confidentiality

Both parties agree to treat the other party's Confidential Information as confidential and will not disclose such information except on a need to know basis. "Confidential Information" refers to the information with respect to the business of either of party that is not generally known by the public, including, courses in development, costumers lists, prospects and pricing, business methods and practices, whether in tangible or electronic form.

Section M: Basis for Award

The Government intends to award a task order to the responsible quoter whose quotation is responsive to the RFQ and it is determined to be the best value to the Government, using the tradeoff process. In determining the best value to the Government, the Technical Capability and Past Performance evaluation criteria, when combined, are more important than the evaluated Price.

Quotations will be evaluated against the evaluation factors that are provided in the RFQ. Your quotation shall be organized into three (3) separate volumes: Volume I - Technical Capability, Volume I - Past Performance, and Volume III - Price.

The combined total page limitation for Volume I - Technical Capability, and Volume II - Past Performance shall not exceed 35 pages. The font should be 11 or 12 point serif or sans serif (no script).

Section N: Evaluation Factors for Award

Quotes will be evaluated using the evaluation factors listed below in the Request for Quotation. These factors are listed in their relative order of importance.

Factor I - Technical Capability

a. Contract Requirements

Quotations will be evaluated on the quoter's ability to provide all of the contract requirements relating to meeting space, food and beverage, and A/V requirements. Quotations must address the quoter's ability to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as it relates to the meeting space. Quotations will be evaluated on the quality of the customer services provided and the quality of the facilities reflected in maintenance and upkeep of the facilities.

b. Location

Quotations will be evaluated on the ability of quoters to provide a facility located in Washington, DC and Metropolitan Area within a 5-10 minutes walking distance of WMATA Metro Station with inexpensive transportation options to and from the airport, from nearby hotels, and from the local commuting area. Quotations must address safety and security issues both within the facility and the surrounding area.

c. Availability of Dates

Quotations will be evaluated on the ability of the quoter to provide the required services on the dates requested.

Factor II - Past Performance

The quoter must provide references for at least three (3) government or non-government contracts which provide the same or similar services; contracts must have been awarded within the past three (3) years. Contact information should include the following: Contract type, contract number, contract value, point of contact phone number, type of services provided. List any problems encountered on each contract and the contractor's corrective actions. EEOC will evaluate past performance based on timeliness, customer service, and corrective actions taken (if necessary).

Factor III - Price Evaluation

The government will evaluate price quotations submitted in comparison to the Independent Government Estimate.

Site Visits

The EEOC reserves the right to conduct a site visit of all quoters who are rated to be technically acceptable. The site visit will review and evaluate the same technical items identified in the Technical Capabilities portion of the technical evaluation factors.