Bomb Threat Stand-Off Distances

This table is for general emergency planning only. A given building's
vulnerability to explosions depends on its construction and composition.
The data in these tables may not accurately reflect these variables. Some
risk will remain for any persons closer than the Outdoor Evacuation Distance.

  Explosives Capacity1
(TNT Equivalent)
Mandatory Evacuation Distance2 Preferred Evacuation Distance3
pipebomb Pipe bomb 5 LBS/
2.3 KG
70 FT/
21 M
1,200 FT/
366 M
Suicide Vest Suicide vest 20 LBS/
9.2 KG
110 FT/
34 M
1,750 FT/
518 M
Suicide Vest Briefcase/suitcase bomb 50 LBS/
23 KG
150 FT/
46 M
1,850 FT/
564 M
Suicide Vest Sedan 500 LBS/
227 KG
320 FT/
98 M
1,900 FT/
580 M
small VBIEDs SUV/van 1,000 LBS/
454 KG
400 FT/
122 M
2,400 FT/
732 M
Semi-Trailer Small delivery
4,000 LBS/
1,814 KG
640 FT/
195 M
3,800 FT/
1159 M
Semi-Trailer Container/water truck 10,000 LBS/
4,536 KG
860 FT/
263 M
5,100 FT/
1,555 M
Semi-Trailer Semi-trailer 60,000 LBS/
27,216 KG
1,570 FT/
479 M
9,300 FT/
2,835 M
Graphic of evacuation distances
1Based on maximum volume or weight of explosive (TNT equivalent) that could reasonably fit in a suitcase or vehicle.

2Governed by the ability of typical US commercial construction to resist severe damage or collapse following a blast. Performances can vary significantly, however, and buildings should be analyzed by qualified parties when possible.

3Governed by the greater of fragment throw distance or glass breakage/falling glass hazard distance. Note that pipe and briefcase bombs assume cased charges that throw fragments farther than vehicle bombs.

4A known terrorist tactic is to attract bystanders to windows, doorways, and the outside with gunfire, small bombs, or other methods and then detonate a larger, more destructive device, significantly increasing human casualties.