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  Letter to Users

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Dewar Shipping

Shipping address:
Recipient's name
c/o Stephan Ginell
APS Bldg. 435D Sector 19
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 South Cass Avenue
Argonne, IL 60439
Telephone number (630) 252-0560

The following address can be used for shipping equipment and supplies, non-hazardous samples and crystals shipped in a dry shipper.

Dry Shipping Dewar Form

SBC User Shipping Preparation Instructions

Shipping of Non-Hazardous Materials

Shipping dewars containers of liquid nitrogen or crystals frozen in propane, freon, or ethane are consider hazardous shipments.

The shipment of all samples, chemicals, dewars, etc. must abide with all DOT and IATA regulations, the failure to do so may result in a delay or loss of your shipment along with possible fines. Argonne National Laboratory has obtained a letter of competent authority from the US DOT for the legal shipment via air transport of macromolecules frozen in propane, freon, and other flammable and nonflammable gases when packaged in a dry shipper. Please refer to:
APS Technical Update (TUD-25).

Shipping of Hazardous Materials

Helpful links for shipping hazardous materials to the APS

Address for shipping hazardous materials to APS

Transport (including hand carried packages) of all hazardous materials to Argonne should conform with applicable regulations of the U. S. Department of Transportation. We call your attention to regulation 49 CFR 173.4 that has only minimal requirements for shipping small quantities of hazardous materials.  Please refer to:
APS Technical Update (TUD-23)

Your university or institute’s shipping department should be able to provide further assistance on outgoing shipments.

Special instructions

If you have any special instructions for the SBC staff for the handeling of your dewars upon their arrival such as: email notification upon your dewar’s arrival at SBC, filling dewars with liquid nitrogen, placing packages in coldroom or freezer, etc., please notify Stephan Ginell by email , office phone (630)252-3972 or Michelle Radford email , office phone (630)252-0560.

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Cryocrystallography Equipment

Liquid Nitrogen systems 80 – 300K

The sector 19 beamlines operate an Oxford Cryosystem or Oxford Instruments Cryojet for crystal cooling. It is routinely operated at 100K but can be set to a lower value if required. The temperature at the crystal is approximately 100 +2K at the crystal.

Liquid Helium systems 15 – 100K

SBC has available a Cryo Industries, INC.  CRYOCOOL-LHE liquid helium cryosystem for ultra low temperatures. This cryosystem is not routinely available. Please contact Stephan Ginell by email or phone (630)252-3972 for additional information and arrange scheduling.

Cryo-equipment and supplies available for users:
  • Dewars and racks to assist is the holding of vials and mounting of crystals
  • Forcepts to hold cryo vials
  • Storage dewars for the long term storage of crystals (upon special request)
  • Liquid propane for freezing crystals
  • Uni-Pucks or ACTOR magazines when using robots to mount crystals
  • ACTOR and ALS tool kits for Uni-Pucks or ACTOR magazines

APS User Program

APS Remote Training 
(General User Proposal)
(Experiment Safety Approval Form)
SBC User Program

User Program

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:: Argonne National Laboratory :: APS :: BIO
Structural Biology Center, Biosciences Division, Bldg. #435
Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 South Cass Avenue, Argonne, IL 60439 USA
Phone: (630) 252-0560 |
Fax: (630) 252-0564

Structural Biology Center © 2005-2013