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NIH Clinical Center: National Institutes of Health
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The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Blood Bank is located in the Clinical Center on the NIH campus at
10 Center Drive-MSC 1184
Building 10, Room 1C711
Bethesda, MD 20892-1184
MAPQUEST street map to NIH

(301) 496-1048


Donate Blood Now


Donate Now

Blood type needs change daily. If you are not sure of your next eligible donation date, please call the NIH Blood Bank at (301) 496-1048.

All donors are welcome Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

* Deliver hope to others

* Become part of the solution

* Add meaning to your day

Latest News

The NIH Blood Bank now offers evening appointment times every Monday until 6:30PM!

Urgent Updates

8/24/09 - 8/28/09
Blood Shortages:

b neg

B  negative

a pos

A  positive

o pos

O  positive

8/24/09 - 8/28/09 African American whole blood donors urgently needed to support patients with sickle cell disease. These patients have made antibodies, so that only very closely matched donors can be used. 

This page last reviewed on 08/24/09

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NIH Clinical Center | National Institutes of Health | Department of Health and Human Services

Clinical Center        National Institutes of Health        Department of Health and Human Services        USA Gov