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The Advisory Committee on Apprenticeship

The Advisory Committee on Apprenticeship (ACA) is authorized by the National Apprenticeship Act (the Fitzgerald Act), 29 U.S.C. 50a, which permits the Secretary of Labor to appoint a national advisory committee to serve without compensation. The ACA is a discretionary Committee established by the Secretary of Labor, in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), as amended 5 U.S.C., App. 2, and it's implementing regulations (41 CFR 101-6 and 102-3). The role of the ACA is to advise the Secretary of Labor on critical matters related to the National Registered Apprenticeship System.


The ACA is composed of approximately 30 individuals appointed by the Secretary of Labor for one- or two-year terms. The membership of the Committee includes equal representation of employers, labor management organizations, and members of the public. In addition, there is representation of non-voting members on the Committee ex-officio from the Departments of Labor, Commerce, Education, Energy, and Health and Human Services. The FACA requires that the Committee membership be fairly-balanced in terms of the points of view represented and the functions to be performed. Members of the ACA have both the experience and background that qualify them to represent the program responsibilities of their sponsoring organizations. In balancing Committee memberships, effort is made to ensure that diverse viewpoints and interests are represented to provide a foundation for developing advice and recommendations that are fair and comprehensive.

The ACA has been charged with providing advice and recommendations to the Secretary of Labor in five strategic areas:

  1. The development and implementation of policy, legislation, and regulations affecting the National Registered Apprenticeship System;
  2. Strategies to expand the use of the Registered Apprenticeship model in demand occupations in industries such as, but not limited to, energy and healthcare;
  3. Ways to more effectively partner with the public workforce system , educational institutions, and communities to leverage Registered Apprenticeship as a valued post-secondary credential;
  4. The development of career pathways that can lead to good jobs for everyone and sustained employment for new and incumbent workers, youth, and under-utilized and disadvantaged populations; and
  5. Efforts to improve the performance, quality and oversight, and recognition and utilization of the National Registered Apprenticeship System, which will foster quality workplaces that are safe, healthy, and fair.

More information on the ACA