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About SDDC

About SDDC

The Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command is a unique Army
command that delivers world-class, origin-to-destination distribution
solutions.  Whenever and wherever Soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines and
Coast Guardsmen are deployed, SDDC is involved in planning and executing the
surface delivery of their equipment and supplies.
SDDC is the Army Service Component Command of the U.S. Transportation
Command and is a major subordinate command to Army Materiel Command.  This
relationship links USTRANSCOM's Joint Deployment and Distribution Enterprise
and AMC's Materiel Enterprise.  The command also partners with the
commercial transportation industry as the coordinating link between DOD
surface transportation requirements and the capability industry provides.



Mission Statement

Mission Statement

MISSION: Provide global deployment and distribution capabilities to meet the Nation’s objectives.





VISION: To be DoD’s leader in best-value deployment and distribution solutions; focused on providing responsive mode neutral end-to-end support to the Warfighter; globally aligned to meet the Nation’s objectives while maintaining the quality of life for SDDC employees and families.


Related Links

Army Knowledge Online (AKO)
SDDC Career Opportunities
Warfighter Distribution Service Survey Results 2011
Industry Partnership Survey Results 2011