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Small Business is Big Business

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10 Steps for Every Entrepreneur

Starting a business? Confused about the planning, legal and regulatory steps you should follow? These 10 steps can help you plan, prepare, and manage your business – while taking care of the startup legalities.

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Inspiring the Next Generation of America's Entrepreneurs

Inspiring the Next Generation of America's EntrepreneursThe SBA is working hard to make sure small business owners and entrepreneurs have the access to capital they need to start and grow their businesses. This resulted in a record lending year in 2011, where we supported $30 billion in loans to over 60,000 small businesses. And while we’ve made great progress, we know there is more work to be done. One area we are focused on is opening the doors of entrepreneurship to more communities and demographics.

To make this possible, we’re focused on underrepresented communities and young people, streamlining loan products and simplifying access points to create more opportunities to succeed. One way to do this is to link young people to the resources they need to make their dreams of starting a business a reality.

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Innovation is at the Foundation of Business Success and Sustainability

All companies, whether small or large, whether new or established, must innovate. In fact, all companies eventually reach a crisis where the options are stark and simple. You can innovate, or you can die.

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Marie Johns at CBC

Officials from across the Obama Administration are committed to promoting minority entrepreneurship.

A Country Built on Diversity Leads To An Economy Built To Last

Un país forjado sobre la diversidad brinda una economía perdurable

From our founding, people have come to America’s shores with a vision for a better future for themselves and their families. America’s story is rooted in the journey of these individuals. And National Hispanic Heritage month is an opportunity to not only recognize the enormous contributions of Hispanic Americans but to ensure that programs and policies are in place to ensure those contributions continue. 

Desde su fundación, millones de personas han arribado a los Estados Unidos con la visión de alcanzar un futuro mejor para ellas y sus familias. La historia de los Estados Unidos tiene sus raíces en la travesía de todas esas personas. El Mes Nacional de la Herencia Hispana nos brinda la oportunidad de no sólo reconocer las enormes aportaciones que los hispanoamericanos han hecho a este país, sino también de cerciorarnos de que existan políticas y programas adecuados que aseguren que dichas aportaciones continúen. 

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We want to hear from you!

MBDA National Director David HinsonMBDA National Director David Hinson wants to hear from you. To contact him, email

SBA Deputy Director Marie JOhnsSBA Deputy Administrator Marie Johns wants to hear from you. To contact her, email


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