July 28, 2011

Winning the Future by Supporting Local Innovation

Cross posted from WhiteHouse.gov Today, I was proud to announce that we are making $95 million available in Regional and Community Challenge grants to support local efforts to build more livable and sustainable communities that ensure that all Americans can afford to live in places with access to employment, schools and public transit options. But [...]

July 18, 2011

Partnering with Communities for Economic Growth

Cross posted from WhiteHouse.gov Next week, I’ll participate in the 2011 Annual Conference of the National Association of Counties(NACo) with partners from across the Administration. The timing is bittersweet for me, as I prepare to return to Seattle after more than two years as Deputy Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. But [...]

May 13, 2011

Smart Growth America: Secretaries LaHood, Donovan on public transportation and connecting to jobs

Yesterday, Secretary Donovan and Department of Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood participated in a forum at Brookings to discuss a new report that shows how transit systems link workers to jobs in metropolitan America. Read more at Smart Growth America.org

May 12, 2011

A Strategic Investment: Getting Americans to their Jobs

Cross posted from Huffpost.com Two years ago, President Obama asked us to form a Partnership for Sustainable Communities, an interagency effort led by the Departments of Transportation and Housing and Urban Development and the Environmental Protection Agency.  He challenged us to find ways to help build stronger, more economically resilient and competitive communities – and [...]
