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This company changed from file sharing to a TWiki intranet

What is TWiki?

T-logo-46x35-t.gif TWiki is not just a wiki, it is way more than that! It is also a platform which allows you to save time and money through the help of applications tailored to your business requirements.

Why should I choose TWiki?

TWiki.org is committed to building the leading open source enterprise wiki and application platform with an extensible plugin architecture designed for collaboration and scaling to well over a half a million pages within a single installation.

Here are a few specific reasons to choose TWiki:

1. The open source TWiki.org is an active and vibrant project 3. The open source TWiki.org project is focused on quality, stability & performance that you can depend on.
community.png • 4,000 - 9,000 downloads per month; more than 500,000 downloads in total.
• 200+ developers.
• Millions of users.
• Used in 130 countries.
• Translated to 14+ languages worldwide.
• Used by NASA, Yahoo, SAP, Motorola, Disney, British Telecommunications and many more.
clean.png • While we regularly release new features, we put a priority on maintaining quality, stability & performance over releasing new features too quickly.
• The TWiki.org community has many corporate contributors from leading companies across a variety of industries.
• The open source project has a clear mission, charter, project governance, and release process that you can depend on.
Get involved with the community.
2. TWiki is more than an enterprise wiki. 4. TWiki is an open source wiki and application platform, and it is backed by Twiki, Inc.
blockdevice.png • Our application platform is designed to allow organizations to build on TWiki.
• You can easily integrate with other applications or build new functionality on top of our open source application platform.
3d.png • Project infrastructure (hosting, equipment, etc.) and some TWiki.org developer salaries are provided by Twiki, Inc.
• User and developer meetups (such as the ones in Rome and Sunnyvale) are sponsored by Twiki, Inc.
• Twiki, Inc. can also provide professional services or help adding additional functionality.

TWiki can be used as...

Online collaboration platform Project development space Document management system
browser.png Distributed teams work together seamlessly and productively! kchart.png Track actions, assign tasks and create automated reports! folder_documents.png Version controlled document repository plus powerful and flexible wiki functionality under one roof!
Knowledge base Platform to create Web 2.0 applications Replacement for an existing Intranet
jabber_protocol.png TWiki is an organizational brain that brings tribal knowledge online, all neatly organized and categorized! warehause.png Blogs, RSS feeds and news feeds, forums, calendar applications and tons of other solutions to create real value for your users! www.png Eliminate the one-webmaster syndrome of outdated intranet content!

TIP See the TWiki Success Stories for more inspiration on how TWiki can help your business.

Main Features - Highlights

Easy Table editing Rich Text Editor
Edit table plugin wysiwyg
Customize Look and Feel Create your own applications
Skins Applications

TIP TWiki offers fantastic possibilities, such as...

  • Variables: Use variables to dynamically compose your pages.
  • Access control: Define groups and impose fine grained read and write access restrictions based on groups and users.
  • Structured content: Use TWiki Forms to classify and categorize unstructured web pages and to create simple workflow systems.
  • TWiki extensions: Enhance the TWiki functionality with 400+ server side extensions. Some examples:

Who is using TWiki

logo_bt.gif "TWiki has been introduced from the ground roots up and the response has been extremely positive. The ability to show old versions of documents is crucial. Within the company we have other tools for document management yet the TWiki ability to be used by anyone for anything has proved very persuasive."
logo_motorola.gif "The unique features of TWiki - being much more than just a wiki - has enabled us to create a user maintained quality assurance system while still maintaining the change control and quality records that is required in an ISO9000 environment. The TWiki Application features and the access rights enables us to maintain a well managed QMS combined by free, open and fast Wiki methods. The combination of Wiki and intelligent structural features makes TWiki unique and extremely powerful."
logo_yahoo.gif "We use TWiki internally to manage documentation and project planning for our products. Our development team includes hundreds of people in various locations all over the world, so web collaboration is VERY important to us. TWiki has changed the way we run meetings, plan releases, document our product and generally communicate with each other. We're great fans of your work."
ogo_dhl.gif "TWiki is an excellent possibility to give our colleagues ONE integrative platform for their work. Spreading information is much quicker and easier with this system. New employees can find older information or regulations now in a very easy way. Time spent searching for information is minimized."
logo_disney.gif "We found TWiki to be a very effect means of posting and maintaining development specs and notes as well as pointers to resources. After a few weeks of use it was considered a must-have resource by the engineering team."

TIP read more success stories, have a look at our testimonials and glance over the endless entries of TWikiInstallations.

Compare TWiki

lwikimatrix.gif Looking for the best wiki?
The TWiki community is inviting Socialtext customers as well as JotSpot customers to upgrade to TWiki.
Compare TWiki, Confluence and Socialtext, and see TWiki details on the WikiMatrix web site.

TIP Check out TWiki vs. other Products for more comparisons.

TWiki Open Source Project (who runs this site?)

See also: TWikiCharter, TWikiMission, TWikiGovernance, RelatedSoftwareProjects, Did TWiki.org go commercial?

ALERT! Please use the Sandbox web for testing, thank you!
Topic revision: r129 - 2010-04-01 - 23:14:25 - PeterThoeny
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