FY 2007 Gift Contributions to Reduce Debt Held by the Public

The fiscal year amount represents the total gifts received for a given fiscal year. This includes the months of October through September.

Read about how to make a contribution to reduce the debt.

Year Month Dollar Amount
2007 SEPTEMBER $27,460.42
  AUGUST $10,518.85
  JULY $15,846.10
  JUNE $222,510.72
  MAY 77,926.23
  APRIL 491,834.12
  MARCH 174,511.34
  FEBRUARY 45,058.66
  JANUARY 140,718.94
2006 DECEMBER 1,336,488.69
  *NOVEMBER 38,190.72
OCTOBER 43,797.63
Total $2,624,862.42

*An amount of $250,000 was erroneously deposited into the Gifts account in September 2006. The depositor requested the return of the $250,000 in November. Since the amount should never have been recorded in the Gifts account, the month of November (Fiscal Year 2007) and Fiscal Year 2006 have been adjusted by $250,000.