Updated – Guardians Report In: FN Rebekah Runner

The following images were captured by Fireman Rebekah Runner who also serves as the Public Affairs Officer (PAO) aboard the Coast Guard Cutter Mohawk. The Mohawk was among the initial wave of Coast Guard and United States government assets that descended on Haiti following last week’s devastating earthquake and these images reflect what they saw in the those first few days. Click here to view a slideshow with more photos submitted by FN Runner from Haiti. As Guardians continue to report in from Haiti, we will do our best to bring you their stories here at Coast Guard Compass.

“My name is Rebekah Runner, I am 22 and I am from Lancaster, CA. I joined the Coast Guard two years go and I am on the USCGC Mohawk out of Key West, FL.

My ship is currently anchored in Haiti for the earthquake relief. Our boat is working with the CGC Tahoma (WMEC-908) to provide medical help to as many people we can. Each day we are getting more supplies dropped on our helo pad by the Navy air craft carrier. Everyday we go in at about 0900 and we don’t come home until 1700.

I am so happy we are here to help these people. I cant see myself any where else right now but here! I feel like we are doing so much for these people no matter how little it may be, it is huge to them and they are always so thankful at the end!” – FN Rebekah Runner

UPDATE: We thought you might like to see an image of FN Runner as she and her fellow Guardians respond to the Haiti earthquake. Scroll to the bottom of the post for the new image or click here.

A small boat with crewmembers from the CGC Mohawk races to shore with supplies and personnel to aid in the response to the earthquake that struck Haiti last week. (U.S. Coast Guard photo by FN Rebekah Runner)

A small boat with crewmembers from the CGC Mohawk races to shore with supplies and personnel to aid in the response to the earthquake that struck Haiti last week. (U.S. Coast Guard photo by FN Rebekah Runner)

A view of the aftermath of the Haiti earthquake. (U.S. Coast Guard photo by FN Rebekah Runner)

A view of the aftermath of the Haiti earthquake. (U.S. Coast Guard photo by FN Rebekah Runner)

A Haitian mother and child. (U.S. Coast Guard photo by FN Rebekah Runner)

A Haitian mother and child. (U.S. Coast Guard photo by FN Rebekah Runner)

Crewmembers from CGC Mohawk lash up an prepare to unload much needed supplies - medical and water - in the harbor at Port-Au-Prince. (U.S. Coast Guard photo by FN Rebekah Runner)

Crewmembers from CGC Mohawk lash up an prepare to unload much needed supplies - medical and water - in the harbor at Port-Au-Prince. (U.S. Coast Guard photo by FN Rebekah Runner)

Guardians doing the best they can to care for the wounded as they wait for more medical personnel and supplies to arrive. (U.S. Coast Guard photo by FN Rebekah Runner)

In the first days of the response, Guardians did the best they could to care for the wounded as they waited for more medical personnel and supplies to arrive. (U.S. Coast Guard photo by FN Rebekah Runner)

Fireman Rebekah Runner reads the patient information tag on a young Haitian girl who is waiting to be airlifted from Coast Guard Cutter Mohawk to an area hospital for further treatment, Monday, January 18, 2010. Runner also spent several days in a makeshift medical clinic in Port-au-Prince administering first aid to numerous Haitian's who were injured in the earthquake earlier in the week. (U.S. Coast Guard photo by Petty Officer 2nd Class Etta Smith)

Fireman Rebekah Runner reads the patient information tag on a young Haitian girl who is waiting to be airlifted from Coast Guard Cutter Mohawk to an area hospital for further treatment, Monday, January 18, 2010. Runner also spent several days in a makeshift medical clinic in Port-au-Prince administering first aid to numerous Haitian's who were injured in the earthquake earlier in the week. (U.S. Coast Guard photo by Petty Officer 2nd Class Etta Smith)

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  • Steve and Alice Baker

    Bekah Runner is an amazing young woman and we could not be prouder of her. Bekah has a heart for helping people and is an instrument of God. May God bless each of the workers in Haiti and give each of them the stength, courage, and faith they need to accomplish their mission.

  • Leilana

    I am so proud of this young lady, Bekah, and all the other men and women doing their best in Haiti to help those in need. I pray God will protect their hearts and minds and give them strength and wisdom to handle these tragedies, and that they will all see a better and brighter day for all.

  • Cheryl Shiplett

    I am so proud of Bekah and the other women and men serving in Haiti. I and my family are praying for her and those serving with her. We pray for their safety and health, as well as the wisdom, courage and faith they need to continue their mission. Thank you and may God richly bless you!

  • Ashley Smith

    What an amazing gift–for the givers and for those receiving. May Help and Healing come to all. Thank you to Bekah and each of the men and women who are there being the hands and feet of God. I join the thousands who are praying for Haiti and all who are there trying to help.