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1st EN BDE commander visits Sheppard Water and Fuels Maintenance Schoolhouse
Col. Allan Webster, 1st Engineer Brigade commander (left), tours the 366th Training Squadron Water and Fuels Maintenance Schoolhouse at Sheppard Air Force Base, Texas, Dec. 6, 2011. Webster and Command Sgt. Maj. William Calhoun, 1st EN BDE command sergeant major, spent the day observing training and talking to the soldiers. (U.S. Air Force photo/Capt. Gaetano Simeti)
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1st Engineer Brigade Commander visits Sheppard training

Posted 12/12/2011   Updated 12/12/2011 Email story   Print story


by Capt. Brittany Martin
82nd Training Wing Public Affairs

12/12/2011 - SHEPPARD AIR FORCE BASE, Texas -- Col. Allan Webster, 1st Engineer Brigade commander, and Command Sgt. Maj. William Calhoun, 1st EN BDE command sergeant major, visited the 366th Training Squadron Army detachment at Sheppard Air Force Base Dec. 6.

The visit was a site tour of the 366th TRS Water and Fuels Maintenance Schoolhouse, which runs a 17-block training course. The visit served as an orientation for Calhoun who became the brigade's sergeant major a few weeks ago.

The 366th TRS runs the program in conjunction with the 169th Engineer Battalion D Company and the Center for Seabees and Facilities Engineering Sheppard Detachment.

Army and Navy trainees attend only the first six blocks of training over five weeks. Annually, Sheppard trains more than 300 soldiers in plumber skills, or as the Army identifies it Military Occupational Specialty 12. While at Sheppard, soldiers are also trained in Army-unique military skills and Warrior Tasks and Battle Drills.

"The visit went well," said Capt. Gaetano Simeti, 366th TRS Army detachment commander. "Colonel Webster noted that trainees are being treated with respect and are conducting excellent hands on training."

In addition to touring the schoolhouse, the commander also talked to the Army trainees about the importance of remaining focused despite the upcoming Christmas Exodus block leave. He reminded the soldiers to look past the Exodus break, which is coming up as quickly as the break itself.

"Do you know what's going on January 21st?" Webster asked the soldiers. "That day will be here before you know it."

The WFMS is one of 12 engineer career fields trained in the 366th TRS. Sheppard conducts training for 12 of the Air Force's 13 engineer career fields.

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