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New TAP program underway at A&FRC
Linda Plummer (front of class), Transition Assistance Program (TAP) Core Compliance Expert at the Sheppard Air Force Base Airman & Family Readiness Center, speaks with transitioning service members during the first day of the revamped TAP course Nov. 26, 2012. The new TAP seminar is now mandatory for retiring and separating service members. (U.S. Air Force photo/Dan Hawkins)
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Revamped transition program seminar kicks off at A&FRC

Posted 11/27/2012   Updated 11/26/2012 Email story   Print story


by Dan Hawkins
82nd Training Wing Public Affairs

11/27/2012 - SHEPPARD AIR FORCE BASE, Texas -- The military's new five-day Transition Assistance Program (TAP) for service members leaving the military rolled out this week at Sheppard, kicking off Nov. 26 at the Airman and Family Readiness Center.

The workshop is a joint effort between the Department of Defense, Department of Labor and Veteran Affairs.

"The purpose of the new course is to better prepare our separating and retiring military members for the civilian world," said Michelle Schroeder, Airman & Family Readiness Center director. "We need to make sure they are as ready as they can be to undergo such a significant transition as this is."

Changes to the TAP came about as a result of the 2011 Veteran's Opportunity To Work To Hire Heroes Act.

"A good number of veterans leave the military and end up on unemployment," Schroeder said. "This new program is just one of the ways we are relooking at our programs to help bring those types of numbers down."

The redesigned transition program, which was voluntary in the past, is now mandatory and includes pre-separation assessments and counseling, a financial planning workshop, a VA benefits briefing, a military skill code conversion to civilian skills class and a resume class with the Department of Labor.

Learning how to interview was frequently listed as a top priority for class attendees and demonstrated the value of attending the seminar.

"The TAP seminar is very important to me," said Master Sgt. Daniel Mendoza, 366th Training Squadron electrical systems career field training manager. "Since I've been in the military I haven't been exposed to interviews like the civilians have. I haven't had to do that for 20 years."

"I think it's a great thing they focus on that. Being in for 20 years and not having any skills or knowledge how to market myself for jobs, the assistance is greatly appreciated."
The new course is applicable for members of all branches of service and still uses the same core curriculum as the same program.

Previously at Sheppard the TAP course was four days long, but will now include a fifth day; this is a necessity for a four-hour budgeting class and also to increase student participation throughout the course.

"The time addition of one day is to help make the course more interactive," Schroeder said. "The intent is to ensure everyone gets a chance to ask the right questions and leave with a good understanding of the information that will be presented to them."

One of the new additions to the course includes the budgeting class. Students will go over their credit scores and make a budget for post-military life.

"People are actually sitting down ahead of time and thinking through the process and putting things down on paper," Schroeder said.

Other additions include the creation of an ITP, or an individualized transition plan, which must be approved by the A&FRC and the individual's squadron commander.

Making the course five days long is just phase one of a three-phase program. The second phase will be a two-day employment course for those who want to pursue jobs while transitioning out of the military.

This phase will include an education, vocational or small business track for those considering those types of opportunities. These courses should begin by mid-2013.

A "capstone event" will be the third phase, which begins 60 days from a member's projected separation or retirement.

"People will attend that 60 days prior to actually retiring or separating and that is where they make sure they have done their individual transition plan," said Linda Plummer, A&FRC TAP Core Compliance Expert. "We will see if they have a job offer, we will see if they have been accepted by a school. Commanders will ultimately be asked to be involved in this capstone as well."

The effort being put into helping veterans transition from military to civilian life is not taken for granted.

"Being in for 20 years and not having any skills or knowledge how to market myself for jobs, the assistance is greatly appreciated," Mendoza said.

Personnel who are retiring from military service can go through TAP two years out from retirement; separating individuals can attend the course one year out from their separation date. Guard and reserve personnel who serve on orders for more than 180 days also have to complete the new program.

The next scheduled TAP class will be from Dec. 3-7. To sign up for upcoming TAP classes, individuals need to call the A&FRC at 676-4358.

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