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Home February 01, 2009      
Comment Form
Federal Trade Commission
Title: Announcement of Public Workshop; Request For Public Comments
Subject Category: Guides for the Use of Environmental Marketing Claims
Published: June 10, 2008  View Notice (PDF) (Download Adobe Reader)
Comments Due: Friday, August 15, 2008

How To Comment: The Commission is hosting a public workshop on July 15, 2008, to examine developments in green building and textile claims and consumer perception of such claims. The workshop is a component of the Commission’s regulatory review of the Guides for the Use Environmental Marketing Claims, which was announced on November 26, 2007. The Commission invites comment on workshop issues as outlined in the Federal Register notice.
Privacy & Use The FTC Act and other laws the Commission administers permit the collection of public comments to consider and use in this proceeding as appropriate. All timely and responsive public comments, whether filed in paper or electronic form, will be considered by the Commission, and will be available to the public on the FTC Web site, to the extent practicable, at Any information placed in the following fields on this form -- "Title," "First Name," "Last Name," "Organization Name,' "State," "Postal Code," "Country,' "Comments," and "Attachment" -- will be publicly available on the FTC Web site. Although filling out this comment form is voluntary, the fields marked with an asterisk are required in order for the FTC to fully consider a particular comment. As a matter of discretion, the FTC makes every effort to remove home contact information for individuals from the public comments it receives before placing those comments on the FTC Web site. More information, including other routine uses permitted by the Privacy Act, may be found in the FTC’s privacy policy, at

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