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A Tribute to Jeff Bingaman

December 13, 2012
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Today I rose to speak from the Senate floor with a difficult task. To honor a great man, a great friend and our U.S. Senator, Jeff Bingaman.

For three decades, Jeff has been making a difference for the American people and for our beloved home state of New Mexico.

As Jeff's final days in the Senate approach, it's time to say thank you and wish him well in the next chapter of his life.

I was humbled to say a few word of tribute to Jeff on the Senate floor today. 

When Jeff came to the Senate thirty years ago, this was a different place. Folks worked together. They clashed, but they also compromised.

We all know what has happened since then. Washington has become more and more polarized. But, time and again, Jeff Bingaman has been a voice of reason.

As we move forward into a new Congress, and debate the issues of our time, it is my greatest hope that we can do so in the model of Jeff Bingaman. To come together and do what's best for our country with hard work, and without grandstanding.

Jeff Bingaman has lived a life of service. Substantial, enduring, noble service. I have no doubt that he will find other ways to serve. And New Mexico and our nation will be the better for it.

In the meantime, thank you Jeff. Thank you for your friendship, and behalf of the people of New Mexico, thank you for a distinguished 30 years in office.

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