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Kodiak Laboratory Aquarium & Touch Tank

[Kodiak Lab's aquarium] The focal point for the general public is the large, oval, freestanding aquarium (it holds 3500 gallons), and a touch tank so that visitors may handle intertidal organisms representing the major marine invertebrate phyla in the region.

Throughout the year, the foyer and aquarium area are open for public viewing, and is a major attraction for school field trips. Kodiak staff regularly collect a variety of species from waters around Kodiak Island to display in the aquarium and touch tank areas. Regional species that are routinely on display include varieties of crabs, mollusks (e.g., snails and bivalves), echinoderms (e.g., seastars), and fish.

Kodiak Lab's Aquarium Picture Gallery
The following links provide mini picture series of some of the wonderful creatures you might find on display in the aquarium and touch tank facilities:

Learn about many aspects of Kodiak Laboratory research by reading one of our interesting Feature Stories!

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