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Question of the week: Do you support the Senate plan for immigration reform?
Posted by Randy | January 31, 2013
On Monday, a bipartisan group of eight Senators proposed a framework for comprehensive immigration reform. The proposal would provide a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants currently in the United States contingent on increased border security and work site verification systems that allow employers to check the status of their employees online.  Proponents of the plan argue that providing an amnesty process for the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants now living in the country is the only reasonable approach to handling the millions of individuals in our country, many of which are working and contributing to the community in which they live.  Opponents of the plan argue that legalizing those who are in the country illegally will costs taxpayers millions of dollars in increased government benefits, decrease jobs available for American workers, and encourage more illegal immigration. They further argue that the presence of millions of unauthorized residents is evidence of inadequacies in the legal immigration system, as well as failures to enforce immigration control policies and laws; factors that must be addressed in order to prevent future illegal immigration.  

President Obama, who has said he welcomes the Senators' proposal, released his own immigration reform plan, which is largely similar to the plan offered by the Senators.

Read more about Congressman Forbes' views on immigration here. 

Question of the week: Do you support the Senate plan for immigration reform?

( ) Yes
( ) No
( ) I don’t know
( ) Other

Take the Poll here.

Find the results of last week’s InstaPoll here.
Users are solely responsible for the opinions they post here and their comments do not necessarily reflect the views of Congressman Forbes.
  • Gregg J commented on 1/31/2013
    The opponents of the senate plan have it right. The pathway to citizenship needs to be removed from immigration reform. In place of the pathway, all illegal immigrants should be charged an additional annual surcharge tax...call it the border security tax. This tax would be paid by all illegal immigrants--regardless of age or change in immigration status--as long as they remain in the country. The tax would help defer the cost of border enforcement as well as help localities deal with the illegal immigration burden. Additionally, businesses that hire illegal immigrants should also be charged the border security tax. This tax lays squarely on the shoulders of those that are primarily responsible for illegal immigration.
  • Walter Cobb commented on 1/31/2013
    I can almost support something to resolve the illegal immigration issue. The main part of this bill must address and stop all illegal immigration. This includes sealing our borders and I mean sealed, not like it is now. There must also be some oversight on visitor visa's to be sure they have not stayed beyond their allotted time! Also it would be wise to not allow any government benefits for at least five years but preferred 10 years.
  • Darrell Edwards commented on 1/31/2013
    I don't agree with everything in their proposal but as all other things that pass it can and will be changed from it's original writing. Our borders need to be secure at all cost and all who come here should go threw the same steps our grandparents did when they came to this country. So what I am saying is if I don't agree with some of this proposal then I don't agree with it at all.
  • Jerome Avenson commented on 1/31/2013
    Why do we have laws anyway if our government refuses to enforce them? I know that this predicament has you in a bind and your just looking for a way out. Do whatever you feel like doing but don't ask me to agree that violating our existing laws is alright. JHA
  • Renaud Reynaud commented on 1/31/2013
    We are all immigrants, from Native Americans recent arrivals. Most "Americans" are a mixture of nationalities and ethnic groups. We "immigrants" have made this nation great, and we have also, periodically, attempted to block the arrival of new comers, from the Irisih, to the Germans, the Czechs, Asians and now Hispanics. Isn't that interesting, we are all immigrants but we want to block the arrival others? I like to joke that I am a Heinz 57 American with 57 nationalities/ethnic groups mapping my past. We would all be less fortunate if it were not for the immigrants of the past, and we will all less fortunate if we deny hard working new immigrants a path to citizenship. We are all immigrants. Let us embrace the new and the old as true Americans.
  • Steven Smith commented on 1/31/2013
    When a pipe burst, and water floods into the basement, we secure the water main first, before we start cleaning it up. Borders secure FIRST! Now, I have to think long and hard if my children suggest I should let the water stay in the basement, you know, since it's already there.
  • David Warriner commented on 1/31/2013
    I would create a secondary immigration procedure for illegals with a cap on how many can become legal each year. Preference would go to those who serve in military or have sustained employment. This way productive illegals could become citizens but unproductive would not.
  • Dale McPherson commented on 1/31/2013
    I don't approve of the amnesty part of the bill because: a. It has no realistic mechanism for defining the location and number of all eligible illegals at any point in time. Therefore it has no way of preventing a continuing flood of illegals being added to the total ad infinitum. b. The nation has no practical way of "sealing the borders" since the nearly infinite assortment of crossing locations in very remote, rough terrain has allowed millions of crossings despite all the patrols, sensors, and fences we throw at the problem. Additionally, we have no provision for arresting and deporting those millions who succeed in crossing our borders without being immediately detained. Once the individual gets a few miles across the border, it's "Ollie Ollie Oxen Free". Ask Arizonans about the enforcement challenge. c. While it would be valuable to get more well educated scientist, mathematicians, and engineers here from other countries, the primary "amnesty" beneficiaries are not part of those categories. d. I suspect the law doesn't restrict the associated flood of extended family members who would qualify for admission as a byproduct of illegals receiving amnesty. e. In this period of national debt being generated by means tested benefits such as Food Stamps, Medicare, Unemployment benefits, etc., etc., how do we possibly control the avalanche of new disbursements which would result as a consequence of items a. through d. above?
  • Brian Ragland commented on 1/31/2013
    I do not support any plan that allows illegals to remain in our country. Secure our southern border. Locate and deport the illegals. Then revamp our immigration laws as deemed necessary. There should be no path to citizenship for people who's first act on American soil was to break our laws.
  • larry nowery commented on 1/31/2013
    I support your stated positions on immigration.
  • Raymond Fowler commented on 1/31/2013
    I support the Senate plan only, only, if the border is secured first and work place verification is put in place. If amnesty is given first, the border will be over run with illegals coming across to get amnesty.
  • Louis McCray commented on 1/31/2013
    I don't agree with the proposed immigration reform and I don't think they should be allowed to vote.
  • Kirit Mehta commented on 1/31/2013
    I want to see our boarders certified as secured before I can support any immigration reform. I would like to know what benefits, if any,will be offered to these illegal immigrants. I do not want to see them as a burden to our fragile economy. There are not enough details to support the plan at this time.
  • Alan Markfeld commented on 1/31/2013
    Randy, I support no immigration bill without first securing the borders. I would not support any bill that has border security as part of a larger, more amnesty like, bill. The pathway MUST be contingent on first securing the border. If it is part of the bill, amnesty will proceed and mass entries will occur at our southern border with no increased security. I think we both know the difference between what is passed and what actually happens (especially with a democrat in the White House). I honestly believe we enforce the laws we have first and show the American people that the government is serious, and then we can discuss a pathway to citizenship. I would vote NO to the current bill. Thanks for your service. Alan Markfeld
  • Ernest Keppel commented on 1/31/2013
    No, I don't support Obama's plan because we cannot afford even more people collecting benefits, they came here illegally, and quite simply, whatever Obama and the democrats say will be way different than what they actually do (they have zero credibility). Lets also get rid of this vote buying system which is the only reason the democrats care about illegals in the first place. The ones that are here now can stay (as workers) but should have to actually pay for the services they get (like the rest of us).
  • James Morris commented on 1/31/2013
    I support immigration reform. I do not support putting the "secure the border" portion first. That is a gateway that these immigrants don't control and their lives shouldn't be dependent on whether the border has been secured. That's a separate issue. It could take decades before the border is secured. Don't mix them up. Get these people legal. They are already here, they aren't leaving, make them able to be as productive and self reliant as possible by getting them legaL.
  • Edward Brandenburg commented on 1/31/2013
    stronger border control is needed. do not "legalize" the current 11 million ILLEGAL immigrants. Illegal aliens take jobs that should be available for US citizens. They also impose burdens on not for profit organizations such as hospitals with their inability to pay when hospitals are required to provide a medical screening exam under EMTALA regulations
  • Darrell Lawson commented on 1/31/2013
    I support what these propasals aim to achieve. However, there are already laws on the books that was supposed to accomplish many of these results, but they are purposely not being enforced. Why should I believe the new laws would be enforced?
  • Frustraited Citizen commented on 1/31/2013
    You and 8 other people came up with a plan, Oboma came up with a plan, and who knows how many other groups have came up with a plan. Here is a novel idea. Everyone that has an interest in this, set aside on day, get togther, create one plan and be done with it. And you wonder why politicians have such a low approval rating. You waste more time and countless tax payer dollars planning than actually doing. And BTW, they are called "illegal immigants" for a reason. Would this be another one of those laws that weakens our borders or would states be sued if they enforced it? Why not just enforce the laws already on the books. Oops, if you had, we wouldn't have 11million "illegal immigrants" and 8% unemployment.
  • Jason Gwaltney commented on 1/31/2013
    My concern isn't as much about immigration as it is our social welfare programs. If they paid their own way in life I'd say come on over. If we grant amnesty or any other policy that keeps millions of illegal immigrants here - they will have access to our social programs which are breaking us. I wish I had the solution, but its more about adding millions more to our social programs that worries me - not the immigrant.
  • Mary Hinds commented on 1/31/2013
    Does anyone in Washington DC understand the meaning of ILLEGAL? Why should we legalize anyone that breaks our laws? ENFORCE THE LAWS WHICH WE NOW HAVE! And secure our borders NOW. It seems to me that Homeland Security should be pushing for this, which they are NOT! They come here and every young girl is pregnant, which makes them an American citizen. In addition, Asian women pay BIG bucks to come here to have their babies so they too will become US citizens. THEY NEED TO STOP PLAYING POLICTICS AND START DOING THEIR JOBS IN DC.
  • John Gress commented on 1/31/2013
    No and hell no! This is nothing but busy work and showmanship on the part of some elitist prevaricators of political clap trap they are passing off their work as new legislation to fix a problem that merely by enforcing the current immigration and naturalization laws on the books would solve. But with a rogue law breaking self-serving administration that cherry picks the provisions of the Constitution that suits them and ignores those that don't what's the point?
  • Spencer J. "Pick" Lyman commented on 1/31/2013
    I personally believe the whole business of handling the Illegal issue is bull as Illegal is Illegal but we have learned the hard way that Illegal only pertains to whomever the Law/Gov't cares to do anything about a situation involving breaking the law. Everyday, Legal Citizens are arrested for petty so called crimes that are classified as misdemeanors and he we have a so called President who orders the DHS, INS, ICE, and US Border Patrol to not engage or approach any Illegal coming across the Border and they were told if an Illegal was to be caught in the midst of a crime involving a weapon for the officer/s to run and hide... do not engage even if an innocent life is at stake. Congress/Senate can propose legislature till the cows come home, by way of China, Obama is going to do what he wants to do, if not by bipartisanship, he will simply write an Executive Order and circumvent all legislative due process and NO Congressional or Senatorial Member is going to speak out or up even in the slightest, they will simply let the thirty days elapse so the Executive Order will become LAW. Congress needs to concentrate strictly on the Socialist Movement being implemented by Obama and Company and put a halt to their plans of overthrowing our US Constitutional Republic before there is a Revolution and then it will not matter about any of the Laws or Legislation!
  • Angela Wunnenberg commented on 1/31/2013
    I am against giving anyone a free-pass to citizenship. Those who were brought here as children by their parents should be treated differently than those who came themselves. The children who were raised here, should have to go through the immigration process the same as any other immigrant. The adults who chose to come here illegally need to be sent home, deported and not allowed re-entry. IF the person can prove they need emergency protection from their home country, the cases should be handled on a case by case basis. NO ONE SHOULD BE PUT ABOVE THE LAW! People have worked HARD to gain citizenship legally, and that should not be seen by politicians as unimportant by allowing people who are criminals to have something they are NOT due.
  • T W commented on 1/31/2013
    If there are real measures that actually secure the border FIRST, I am ok with allowing people whose ONLY crime is crossing the border a "path to citizenship". I believe the path to citizenship should definitely include payment of back taxes, a fine for the illegal entry, and language proficiency/civics test. The border absolutely must come first though.
  • daryl bickham commented on 1/31/2013
    Your summary does not give enough information to see if i support or not. The borders must be secured first! Then decide how to handle the millions of illegal immigrants, without costing taxpayers any monies. Let them buy their way to become legal. I am tured of supporting them with my tax dollars! Thanks! Daryl Bickham
  • Lillard McDaniel commented on 1/31/2013
    If the current immigration laws are not being enforced, why would I think a new law would be any different. This proposal will only provide an additional 11 million votes for the Democratic party and do nothing to solve the issues we have. Secure our borders and enforce our current laws. Then let's talk about what we do with the illegals that are already here.
  • Walt Sabol commented on 1/31/2013
    These people are criminals they came here illegaly and are stealing our resources andthey should be prosicuted and then deported and then we need to guard our borders and shoot anybody that comes in illegaly We also need to impeach Oboma he has done everything he can to destroy this country and the people in this country. W Sabol
  • Marsha Henegar commented on 1/31/2013
    I, too, believe our border should be made more secure, but I am concerned about how that will be implemented in the current fiscal situation. What other domestic programs would suffer if scarce resources were diverted to that end? I also believe that those currently in our country should be given an opportunity to become legal citizens, without deportation and reapplication.
  • Maria Scharrer commented on 1/31/2013
    I have found it very hard to actually read the provisions of this proposed bill. I would approve of it if I thought our President would actually allow proper security at the border. Unfortunately we all know that Mr. Obama only upholds the laws of which he personally approves. I also heard that the new probationary citizens would not be able to apply for or received any benefits from the government for ten years. This point was very vague (did not state any specific time) when I read the provisions on Senator McCains website. I would love to think that this bill was the answer to our problems, but I don't. I have simply lost my ability to trust our government.
  • Maria Scharrer commented on 1/31/2013
    I have found it very hard to actually read the provisions of this proposed bill. I would approve of it if I thought our President would actually allow proper security at the border. Unfortunately we all know that Mr. Obama only upholds the laws of which he personally approves. I also heard that the new probationary citizens would not be able to apply for or received any benefits from the government for ten years. This point was very vague (did not state any specific time) when I read the provisions on Senator McCains website. I would love to think that this bill was the answer to our problems, but I don't. I have simply lost my ability to trust our government.
  • Thomas Cheesman commented on 1/31/2013
    I'm really not sure of the Bill's provisions. The Media is so misleading and there is too much misinformation. I think they need to be immunized from deportation unless they have criminal issues. They need to pay back taxes and a fine for breaking the law. They then can be given worker status so they can be taxed. No citizenship! They have to be put behind all the prior legal visa applicants and wait their turn for citizenship. While in the worker visa status, no federal, taxpayer funded benefits such as unemployment, etc. If the bill has anything other than the core issue attached.. pork, sandy money, planes for Egypt, more debt, more spending, etc. Please don't vote for it. I would be pleased if you could work through an amendment to impeach Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi!!!
  • mike hogwood commented on 1/31/2013
    no and hell no should illegal alliens become legal citiens,i'm of the u.s. allowing this to happen,if the parents are illegal and have a baby here in the US of A then the baby should not be a citizen,alot of countries do this to avoid the very problems we have of paying for their welfare,my taxes have sky rocketed .I do not like paying for someones elses responsibilities,do not get me wrong,i do like to help my fellow AMERICAN when they are down on there luck or if they can not fend for themselves do medical reasons,send back to there own countries and let them deal with it,this country needs to limit immagratrion as we will out grow this country as china and india are doing at this very moment,i'm american and retired military member and do you think they care if i fall on my face,no they would expect me to pick myself up and go back to work and pay for all the lazy,illegal people looking for handouts,everyone in the world knows where to come if you want something for free, i say no more of it,send them home.oh by the way if you can get the POTUS to give me back my bush era tax cuts because im hurting,take my money and give it free to those who could really care less.thanks
  • mike hogwood commented on 1/31/2013
    so you filter everything,typical politcal garbage as usual,well mr forbes please do not send me anymore of your letters as see you could care less too.
  • Chuckl Dunlap commented on 1/31/2013
    I feel for the millions of young people who were brought to this country or born here to illegal immigrants. They are here through no fault of their own, and know no other home. I support a system that offers them a pathway to citizenship. However, WE MUST FIRST CLOSE OUR BORDERS TO ILLEGALS. President Reagan granted amnesty under the promise that we would stop the flow of future illegal immigrants. That didn't happen! So now we have a bigger problem... politicians never fail to "kick the can down the road", do they? The failure to control our borders has cost the American workers and taxpayers in many ways. So, CONTROL THE BORDERS FIRST! Then, and only then, should be talk seriously about what to do with the millions of "illegal" immigrants already in the country.
  • William Chase commented on 1/31/2013
    Check out Clower & Pivin, two college proffessors that wanted to bring down the welfare system by overloading it.(they wanted a guaranteed income for everyone) Legalizing 12 or 20 million illegal aliens will overload the systems and bring down the government. I think that is the plan, overload the systems and take away our guns. the road to surffdom. Also allow the Chinese to purchase oil rich land in texas and let them run our ports. I guess we should learn chinese.
  • Ivan Forrester commented on 1/31/2013
    Only if they strengthen border security.
  • Robert Kellis, Jr. commented on 1/31/2013
    There is not enough infomation to see if I agree or not. Will true border security be a part of it - which it should? Would free healthcare be provided to "undocumenteds" - which it should NOT? Would new applicants for citizenship go the "end of the line" as they should? For the record, SEQUESTRATION should go through "as is". It is the only way to get REAL budget cuts through ineffective legislators - of which ALL of you are - the EVIDENCE and INEFFECTIVENESS does not lie! By the way, I know how you feel about defense cuts. BUT, if you can't find $60 billion in waste in a $700 billion budget, you are not trying hard enough. I know how to cut a budget - give me a call! Rob Kellis
  • Steve Hall commented on 1/31/2013
    I believe the Senate proposal is a beginning, however there are numerous other issues that must be dealt with also. "Anchor baby" status, automatic citizenship both need to be eliminated in addition to formalizing specific time restrictions for legalization. Tough, new legislation with severe consequences must be implemented and actually enforced against any violators going forward. This cannot be a free gift of amnesty as things that are "free" tend to be of little or no value. There must also be a stringent limitation, if not zero availability, to government aid or entitlement programs. All government revenue is derived from the citizenry and should therefore be available only to citizenry that qualify. This is not to say that "illegal immigrants" have not paid taxes, social security etc., only that in any other legal instance where gain is derived from illegal activity, said gain is deemed ill gotten and historically confiscated by the government or the other party. If after citizenship is attained they would then have the same rights as any other citizen. In closing, we created this problem ourselves by not enforcing immigration law and not securing our borders. We choose to look the other way politically and as a populace. We have definitely reaped what was sown. The question is are we willing to actually do anything meaningful now? Are we willing to accept the consequences or our past inaction, do what is right taking appropriate steps to "legalize" those of the alleged 11 million "illegals" already here that qualify, deporting those who don't and imprisoning those that would continue to violate the sovereignty of our borders.
  • James Yandle commented on 1/31/2013
    I am NOT in favor of the curent Senate version of Immigration reform-what scares me to death is if when we grant all these illegal immigrants citizenship, it will prove to be the death knell of the Republican Party-these people voted, and will continue to vote for Democrats, because thet are the party of give-away-the hand that feeds them, and proof is the recent election when 70 plus % voted Democrat. Giving them citizenship is an automatic guarantee to the democrats, that their party be here forever- The Party of hand-outs- and the slowly encroaching socialist regime that we now have will be perpuated . God help us all
  • Barbara Hulslander commented on 1/31/2013
    Hello Congressman, I support complete boarder control, fines for employers of illegal aliens and the Feds enforcement of the laws ALREADY on the books. Good luck Mr. Forbes!
  • Don Caffery commented on 1/31/2013
    I support Marco Rubio's plan. I do not support anything less than his plan. All of the facets work in tandem.
  • Janet Westbrook commented on 1/31/2013
    This is not a southern border issue. It's an every border issue. I moved back to the USA 10 years ago from overseas, bringing with me a non-USA husband and 2 children. We paid lots of money to the US government to satisfy the immigration requirements so my family could enter as legal aliens. One day all three will be able to apply for full citizenship, again at a cost to us. Every legal or illegal alien should be given the opportunity to become a US citizen if they follow the same path my family has - medical checkup, proof of earning capability, no criminal record, etc., etc. If they pass that barrier of tests and are folks the USA thinks will improve the country, then that's who we should accept. Not anyone who overstays their visa or enters illegally.
  • Edward Dawson commented on 1/31/2013
    Agreeably so, the system is broken. I heard Senator Rubio speak very elegantly about the proposal, and while it seems like a reasonable approach it falls far from the mark. Just like currently gun laws, current immigration laws lack enforcement. Why should Americans money be spent on a system that criminals, inside and outside of our government, will still exploit? If the Judicial, Executive, and Legislative branches of government want any future law to work, they must be willing to prove that they are willing to enforce current law - which they clearly are not. Our prisons are filling up with violent illegal immigrants. Our border agents are getting murdered by illegal immigrants with weapons handed to them by the federal government. Enforce the current laws prior to spitballing another.
  • V Quick commented on 1/31/2013
    I don't agree that any illegal immigrants should be in our country. When our forefathers came to the USof A they did so legally - they came to make a better place for themselves and their families. They learned our language and worked to pay their way in this wonderful country. They didn't set themselves apart from the citizens of America and expect everyone else to change. They didn't expect handouts for homesteading here - they worked for it. They became part of our country and were part of the wonderful melting pot of people in the United States. I think everyone deserves to be take advantage of our many freedoms, but they should do so expecting to pay their fair share for those freedoms - get a job, learn English, become a integral part of American life.
  • Mark Test commented on 1/31/2013
    Why should we provide illegal immigrants amnesty and allow them to become U.S. citizens? It has been my experience whenever talking with workers working for hired contractors that everyone lives and works here and sends almost every dollar they make out of the country to their families in other countries. To me that is NOT helping and supporting the country or the communities here in the U.S. in which they are living illegally. I agree with the prospect of spending any money on efforts to improve verification systems, immigration controls, and border patrol as opposed to "giving it away" and depleting our social security and medicare/medicaid systems which has been funded for decades by legal U.S. citizens.
  • Chris Duncan commented on 1/31/2013
    It is stupid to give citizenship to people that are here illegaly. Why reward them for breaking the law? By coming here illegaly they have already proven the type of citizen they would be. Also, I total agree with Erik Harwell. As long as legal citizens are unemployed there should be no immigration at all. We are full!
  • David Swain commented on 1/31/2013
    I'm in favor of immigration reform such as that proposed by the Senators, but only if it is tied to a significant increase of border security. Talking about more border security that might happen is not enough. The increased border security must be definitive before I would support the rest of the plan.
  • Harry Faircloth commented on 1/31/2013
    Borders must be secure, secure, secure! Then proceed with reform.
  • Thomas kent commented on 1/31/2013
    No sir i dont support amnisty. calling illiegals undocumented is nothing more then a left wing way of saying special intrest groups amnisty . also Sir, I have a few questions about this sale to the Chinesof A1A battery . Ina a artic al I read in a cuacus bref, Its states the sale of this firme was ok to sell by the treasure, dispite the consern's by congress (is this true) and by w hat standereds does the truesery have the right to otherise this sale, when it is backed by us tax dollers amounting to the toon of $231 million as well as the security isuess of matrterial. Please advice me
  • Tim McMichael commented on 1/31/2013
    Get control of our borders. Decide on the illegals in the country ONLY after the border is secured. It's insane to mop up a flooded basement before you fix the broken pipe that's flooding it. Secure the border!
  • Adine Petrie commented on 1/31/2013
    1st: close the northern and southern borders, including water ports concurrently implement 100% verification USA citizenship required to work Cavet for farmers unique needs: sponsorship by farmers crop specific, planting to harvesting at the most 6 months visa, no families, only qualified workers permitted. Visa workers required to payed US payroll taxes while here. (no refunds). Families that are here illegally, will stop receiving all federal and hopefully state benefits. Stop immediately all other work visa's until further notice. We have plenty of potential workers (students) and those unemployed to fill outstanding openings. If government/states wants to help, provide seed $ to create a private job unemployment data base. All students illegal/foreign should pay out of state University rates. It is so wrong that state citizens have to help pay for students when we have to save for 20 years or more to pay for our own. Let the private, nonprofits do this is they so desire but not on the backs of hard working Americans. This completes increment 1. After increment 1, increment 2, should be a much smaller number. Those that remain, 1st those with any type of criminal record, ICE can sent them back, others can apply for different type of VISA by paying all back state, federal taxes to show sincerely that they want to become and apply for citizenship. My parents worked from sunrise to sunset even in winter so that we could have food as limited as it was, even resorting to eating birds cooked over the hearth so the impression that all Americans have it easy and won't work for minimum wage is wrong. While grateful that some have it easy, their are way too many here legally (US citzens) that need an opportunity to work.
  • ralph rutledge commented on 1/31/2013
    What part of illegal don't people understand! Have you read Mexico's laws on illegal immigrants? Look it up. If the illegals (every single one of them) are required to take citizenship tests of the US constitution and understand our countries laws and know our constitution ok maybe yes. But why we got away from enforcing the original laws is mind boggling !
  • Frederick Bravo commented on 1/31/2013
    I will support immigration reform provided it provides employers with the capability to E-Verify the citzenship status of workers they intend to hire. Also, border security must be enforced. There are immigration laws which are not being enforced. All the States must be given the right to enforce those Federal Laws that are on the books. Since the Executive Branch will not enforce the immigration laws give the States the legal authority to do so without consequences attached. This also would be a great time to address the voting ID laws in the immigration bill. Tie all State voter registration to E-Verify. Lets finally do it the RIGHT Way.
  • Ron Despain commented on 1/31/2013
    I agree with a strict following of E-varify. I also believe that we should build several "Ellis Island" type facilities and require everyone who currently lives illegally in the US to leave the US and in process through one of those facilities as legal workers if they have an employer willing to hire them as long as the employers provide basic, required benefits so that the government is not liable for any welfare or government aid.
  • ROBIN GRAY commented on 1/31/2013
    I support the Senate bill ONLY if the borders are secured FIRST! Otherwise, we'll be discussing another 11 million illegal aliens 10 years from now. I don't consider this senate bill "amnesty", but rather a reasonable pathway for citizenship, as well as immigration reform, and a crackdown on businesses that hire illegals. It's also a way to get rid of those illegals who are criminals. The illegal aliens (according to the Bill) would not only go to the end of the immigration line -- there would be no jumping ahead of those who have followed the law and are still waiting to gain access to the U.S. Additionally, the illegals would have to pay back taxes, and have background checks. None of this will matter, however, if the borders are not secured FIRST!
  • John Munday commented on 1/31/2013
    The wait time til candidacy for citizenship, after financial penalties for illegal entry, should be 30% longer than for others who have entered legally. In the meantime, the border must be closed as a condition before any present illegals can get on a track to citizenship.
  • mike parker commented on 1/31/2013
    first lets close the boarders enforce the laws we have now. and see what happens.
  • Charles F. Simmons commented on 1/31/2013
    Exactly what plan is that?I watched the news confonference on CSPAN,what are we supposed to support?There's no legislation that has been proposed,everything they said were just words.I you go back and listen to the people who supported the amenesty legislation they used many of the same words we heard this week from the Senators and the President in Las Vegas.We have'nt been enforcing most of the laws on the book since 1986.Last year the President signed an Executive Order basically ursurping part of our Immigration Laws.Then you have the numbers,11 to 12 million in the shadows.In 1986 is 3 to 4 million people in the shadows.As soon as the news conference was over this week people started heading for our southern borders.As soon as the President stop speaking in Las Vegas,people started heading for our southern borders.This is not just an issue of immigration,but sovreignty and National security.The next chance the citizens and voters will have a chance ot make a correction is the 2014 mid-term elections.Just like we did in 2010.I hope it's not to late by then,becasue that's when the buld of the Affordable Care Act kicks in.When that happens the people will really understand how important it is to read a piece of legislation,before you vote on it.Thomas Jefferson did.Thanks for the opportunity Congressman
  • J B commented on 1/31/2013
    I do not support any immigration reform that takes any action until the entire border is secure. Republicans got burned by this same amnesty plan the last time. Promises were made, but never kept. Meanwhile, millions of illegals were made legal. Nothing changed except more of my tax dollars were used to fund social programs for formerly illegal citizens.
  • Joe Paul commented on 1/31/2013
    As far as it goes, I do support it. I prefer your approach to handling the birthright citizenship issue, however. One thing is for sure, either they get "absorbed" into US citizenship, or we deny them citizenship as you recommend. At some point, we all have to come to the understanding that this, like many of our current issues (fiscal cliff, for one) will require one group or another to "pay" for past policies/decisions. There is going to be no good way to come out from under many of these issues. Some will pay more, hurt more, feel ignored, unwanted, or otherwise. Not all will enjoy what we have to go through in the upcoming months and years. But at some point, we have to get a grip on these issues to guarantee that MORE citizens down the road don't suffer even more. Might be a good time for faith-based orgs (and individual believers) to step up and step into the lives of those that will bear the brunt.
  • David Gignac commented on 1/31/2013
    No free medical no foodstamps, as far as I'm concerned, they can work as long as someone will hire them or until they get caught. Illegals sending money out of the country is illegal.
  • Matthew Brown commented on 1/31/2013
    I believe anyone in this country illegally, should be deported. If they wish to return they should follow the lawful methods already in place. Further, I believe our borders should be strengthened. Protecting our own National borders is one of the most basic, fundamental responsibilities of the Federal Government.
  • Buddy Ligon commented on 1/31/2013
    I do not support any immigration reform that does not begin with securing our border. We failed with amnesty under Reagan and this too will fail if we don't secure the border. All it will do is give the Democrats a huge new influx of voters.
  • Atwood Brooks commented on 1/31/2013
    Dear Congressman, They are illegal immigrants! Don't the current laws mean anything? Let's enforce them. Round them up and deport them. No benefits, no SS, no free school, just a free ride back to the other side of the border. If they want to come back, make them go the end of the line and wait like the ones that are trying to do it right. It is imperative that we secure the borders. It's no longer just a question of people coming over looking for jobs. It is a major National Security issue as we are now faced with untold numbers of terrorists, drug dealers, and human traffickers mingled in with the hoards of illegals crossing each month.
  • Ryan Anderson commented on 1/31/2013
    I do not approve of the plan. Study after study shows that "low skill set workers" of all types cost taxpayers over$30k per year, per worker with the government services they consume. Common sense tells you that the majority of these who would receive amnesty would fall into this category. If you do the math, the massive cost to taxpayers to placing these illegals into a status that then makes them eligible for these programs,is a huge burden to place on those who do have jobs in the still struggling economy.
  • Richard Johnson commented on 1/31/2013
    If in fact the borders are secured first then okay, but a promise to secure the borders later is like too often wanted an increase in taxes with a promise of cutting spending later which never happens.
  • Kelli Swinney commented on 1/31/2013
    Congressman Forbes , I do not support the senate's plan. I will not support any plan that offers amnesty. Those who are here illegally are criminals, they are breaking our laws,- when one breaks a law, that makes one a criminal So these criminals should be treated as such. I do feel for the children but the parents knowingly violated our laws by coming here illegally, there are consequences for one actions, in this case - immediate deportation- entire family, even if a children were born here. I do support your anchor baby bill. I am tired of the deceit and corrupt of the liberals of this country -- they support criminals. I am tired of my tax money going to these criminals as well. They are receiving entitlements, that my taxes pay for. Here's a bill that I would support.... not a legal citizen... no entitlements, no welfare, SNAP,TANF, no medicaid, certainly no medicae or social security-- nothing, not even a free education for one's children. If you are not a citizen, you are not entitled to anything, As long as we keep giving these criminals entitlements , they are going to keep coming. COngressman Forbes, thanks for all the hard work you have been doing.
  • Rodney Joines commented on 2/1/2013
    We have bigger fish to fry. Defense cuts are looming, our nation is about to go bankrupt. High unemployment, the economy stagnate, no growth. So immigration reform, global warming and the likes can be placed on the back burner, till after we've taken care of the serious problems facing this nation! Then when it's all said and done and we find we have money to waste then we can address those so called problems! Catch the illegal immigrants and deport them immediately! My wife's family came to the states legally from South Korea and all have attained their citizenship. The pathway is there, don't reward criminal behavior!
  • Michael Martin commented on 2/1/2013
    If you grant amnesty to these eleven million law breakers, then you may as well grant amnesty to all of the other criminals in the country. This would just tell our current citizens that it really doesn't matter if you break the law we aren't going to punish you. Because if you did punish these law breakers then you'd be saying that you only get punished for crimes if you're a citizen and you're forgiven and rewarded if you're not.
  • RICHARD SALO commented on 2/1/2013
    I am at odds with we shoulddealing with those already in the U.S (due to the financial cost of any applied actions). I do feel that one way to better get the offenders' countries attention would be to PERMANANTLY REDUCE or ELIMINATE any U.S. Financial Aid being supplied to the by a substantial amount PER DEPORTED Illegal Immigrant; i.e. $100,000-$200,000 per person deported. Additionally, our citizenship laws should be modified so that the children of Illegal Immigrants are NOT automatically considered US Citizens JUST for the fact they were birthed on U.S. SOIL. Also, in addition to businesses receiving HEFTY FINES for hiring Illegals, all institues of learning, starting at PRE-SCHOOL on through ANY and all colleges, community colleges, universities and specialty schools (from culinary to auto mechanics) should also be PROHIBITED from allowing ANY Illegal to ATTEND let alone be provided Financial Aid of ANY kind.
  • Daniel McCall commented on 2/1/2013
    I would support some kind of plan after our borders are secured. We have active military returning from duty that may be downsized after Afghanistan, why not use those forces along our southern borders instead of a fence. This would keep those patriots employed and they could serve state side with their families close by...just a thought.
  • bruce cameron commented on 2/1/2013
    Sir, 1st, thank you for listening. Concerning this poll question. I would support the Senate bill if they actually addressed the border problem but I have no trust in this admin that picks and choses what law they may or may not enforce. When it comes to honoring promises, these are not honorable people as Pres Reagon found out in the mid 80's.
  • Jimmy Carter commented on 2/1/2013
    The senate plan is nothing more than the failed 2007 version and is another smoke screen full of empty promises. The Democrats want to shove this bill down our throats so that they can rapidly increase their voter pool. The immigration system is only broken because past presidents and politicians have refused to see that existing laws were enforced. Enforce border security and require every employer to use E-Verify. Also change the law so that it does not automatically grant citizenship to children born to illegal aliens.
  • thomas g commented on 2/1/2013
    I'm inclined to support the senate initiative congressman. In large part that support is because you cannot get anything done in the House and I've lost all faith in you. Months and months have passed and you cannot work with colleagues to address sequestration, or manage the debt limit. I fully expect you to fail the public when it comes to sensible control on guns that are causing chaos and tragedy all over the country. When a member of your staff tries to discuss the gun issue in terms of banning machetes I know sir you are tone deaf on that issue. So please, just go along, FOR ONCE, with people who really can work together for the nation, and deliver.
  • Robert Goodman commented on 2/1/2013
    There are already immigration laws on the books. Why is there a need to create new ones. ENFORCE the ones already passed by Congress and Senate!
  • Jaded Citizen commented on 2/1/2013
    I feel that our current president and much of the Democratic administration would each stand at the borders and pass out Medicaid cards, monthly checks, food stamps, section 8 housing vouchers and a new cell phone to each individual as they crossed in the hope of getting a vote. I may be a bit jaded with our current administration, but it would seem self interest will play a large part in the final decision. This may be another ending without knowing the details until the plan is passed. It is an outrage and a huge loophole in the current system that a child born in the US, whose parents have no citizenship, immediatly burdens a broken health care system and taxpayer dollars. If they will pay their taxes like some of the country and not draw a check each month as the rest, then I would support the proposal.
  • Michael Hudgins commented on 2/1/2013
    I work in construction and see where the problem is, they work long hours 7 days a week,do you think they are getting paid overtime in this economy NO, do you think that they are paying taxes, NO. They are making it HARD for us Americans to compete when I pay time and a half for over 40 hours, they are modern day slaves under paid and over worked sending the money back home. They are beating the American system we are paying and they are gaining, how many Americans are not working while they are working 60 hours a week? A LOT, how many are cheating on the Insurance by paying cash. The workmenship in the trades is getting worse because they don't care they just want money and do what ever to get paid.
  • Star Marie Anderson commented on 2/1/2013
    I was listening to a talk show the other day on the radio. NPR was the only thing coming in while traveling. Immigration was the topic and I was steaming at the audacity of some of the callers. "My son in law is a 'law abding person', he's here illegally from Mexico and wants to become a citizen." This is the problem, they think if they BREAK the law and come here and then obey the laws while here, they are law abiding. No other country lets them do this! I'm tired of my tax dollars going to educate their illegal children, medical care, and welfare. My family came here legally, the exception is my great great grandmother that was here as part of the Cherokee nation, thus all my relatives were legal. They did not get handouts from the government, learned English to attend school, and worked hard. I'm tired of listening to Spanish and other languages at the stores and 2 languages on our signs. This is the USA, speak English. I'm tired of patients look of amazement when I don't speak Spanish to take care of them. Well, they don't speak English, German, Danish or Greek, gee I speak those languages. I'm a European American and speak the languages of my family. Stop the anchor babies, send the illlegals back to their country. It's cheaper to send them home and build a fence than what we are doing. Check out Mexico's laws. What happens if we go there illegally? PRISON So let's deport them and STOP all financial aid if they are here. I ask for their green card and papers if they want to do my yardwork.
  • John Orsolino commented on 2/1/2013
    Yes I support the Senate plan, but only after the borders of the US are protected and mass cross border traffic is stopped. DOJ must be held accountable and must enforce the Law of the land. This picking and choosing what THEY think is important is NOT their job. We need the vigor of the immigrant to fuel the engine of Capitalism.
  • Jeff Nuckolls commented on 2/1/2013
    Something should be done to address the 11 - 12 million illegal immigrants in our country. Doing nothing isn't the answer. Deporting 11 -12 million people is unrealistic. First, and before anything else is undertaken toward advancing the immigrants toward legalization, the borders of the United States of America must be secured in a manner that affords real and verifiable security against foreigners who invade this nation with the purpose to evade immigration laws. After the borders are secured, then, a time line should be established for those who desire to come forth and become naturalized citizens as part of the implementation of any plan. Those who fail to meet the reporting deadlines and apply for a path to citizenship should be considered recalcitrant and should be deported. All applicants should be vetted for criminal histories and those who have committed crimes here should be brought to justice and if warrantd deported. Those who have commited crimes abroad should be deported.
  • Larry Gunnin commented on 2/1/2013
    The fundamental issue is border security. The flow of illegals into the US over the unsecured border must be effectively stopped, not for just for those seeking work, etc. but also for criminals, drug smugglers, and terrorists. Employer sanctions will greatly help reduce undocumented workers, but criminals and terrorists will still be a serious threat unless the US severely punishes border violators with unpleasant jail time and life time bans from legal residence. I do not believe the current Administration will take the strong measures needed to protect US borders. No matter what the new Immigration Law or policy says, the borders will remain unsecured until we have new leadership in Washington. For this reason (lack of border enforcement) the 'new' immigration policy will be a failure, just like the first 'immigration agreement' was after the Reagan Administration.
  • Albert Dykes Sr. commented on 2/1/2013
    We should not be involved in this issue at this time with the budget issue's and Health Care being forced upon us. This will dump millions of illegals in to a free to them but not to the workers of the USA health Care System. Futher adding burden to the American people. This is how the Obama administration divides and conquers by over whelming congress with differant but inportant issues.
  • Philip Kaye commented on 2/1/2013
    What is THEIR plan ??......
  • Mark C. commented on 2/1/2013
    I am more in favor of some type of guest worker program rather than extending US citizenship to illegal aliens. There are a number of problems with the comprehesive approach. There are the unintended consequences that result from opening another path to citizenship. It seems this will only offer even more incentive for people to cross the border or over stay their visa thus growing the number significantly. Some would say that we can avoid this by strengthening our borders and tracking people with visas. If it were that easy, then it would have been done a long time ago. Many of the unskilled jobs that are currently filled by illegals are low wage jobs. At that wage level they will not have to pay any income taxes but will also become eligible for tax cerdits and some day medicare and SS. The later are two programs that are already on a path to insolvency. Some say that somone that performed an illegal act 10-15 years ago shouldn't continue to be punished for a lifetime. I would argue that every day that someone stays in this country illegaly is just another day of law breaking. The problem for the Republican Party is that 70% of Hispanics that voted in the last election, voted Democrat. If that ratio holds true, then there will be 7 out of 10 new citizens that will likely vote Democrat. There needs to be compassion and a solution to address the undocumented. I would be very interested in hearing comments from those that have imigrated to this country the correct way and how they feel about another path being proposed.
  • David Nation commented on 2/1/2013
    What else are you going to do with 11 million people, just wait for them to "self-deport?" According to the plan, it's contingent on better border security and an improved legal immigration system. The folks in this country illegally already have jobs; they won't be taking additional jobs away, but they'll be paying taxes and their status will force employers to treat them as other than slave labor.
  • Joe ADE commented on 2/1/2013
    Conditioned by a background check to avoid taking in any possible imigrants with a criminal background.
  • Barbra Scherer commented on 2/1/2013
    Not just a no, but NOOOOOOOOOO!!! They are being rewarded for breaking the law. The people who came here, doing the right thing, are being punished. I don't care if it was a child whose parents did it, they should not be rewarded either. As for making them learn English, now that is a joke. Everything, everywhere is press one for English, two for Spanish or it is our tax payer money that has everything translated for them. Are they going to bother to care about what our culture is? but we have to accept and appreciate theirs. I am so tired of it. Why not let everyone out of jail then who broke the law? It wasn't their fault they turned out the way they did, it was their parents fault. I support what Dwight Eisenhower did in the 1954. I left Southern California, where I was born and raised a year ago because I couldn't take what the state had become and now they want to make it the same everywhere. Why not just give everything we have away.
  • mark bowles commented on 2/2/2013
    i have no problem with them becoming legal immigrants .this country is made of immigrants from all over the world.english should be a requirement for citizenship. all our immigrants from years past knew the importance of having one common language
  • Michael Elliott commented on 2/2/2013
    I believe that it is most prudent to allow the illegal aliens already in residence within the United States to have option of permanent citizenship if for no other reason that they may be taxed. With their own tax contributions, they would be aiding the American tax payers, instead of a fiscal strain. I also believe that in up coming years, illegal immigration needs to be stemmed considerably. After an reformed system is established, it should be America's decision entirely whether immigrants are allowed into the country in the first place. They should not be permitted to enter through their own methods and gain citizenship by essentially squatting. And this is not limited to any one group of people from any country. These opinions are meant to reflect illegal immigrants from all around the world. Once a reform is settled on, it needs to be reasonably and carefully enforced, key point is on "enforced". With monetary penalties on American companies that do not comply with these reforms.
  • James Donnelly commented on 2/2/2013
    Every time our friends on Capitol Hill get puffed up and strut around saying, "Comprehensive (fill in the blank) reform", it's gonna cost us dearly. We have had immigration reform several times before and it always results in a massive influx of third-world immigrants with their hands out and no improvement in border security. After the attack of 2001 any sane nation would have those borders sealed so tightly that a rat could not get in undetected. But we don't want to offend anyone so it's all in free. I have no hope for meaningful reform of any kind; our 'representatives' have sold us out for more dependent voters and their own job security. As the 2012 election showed us there are now enough takers in the electorate to transform this nation from a beacon of freedom and self-reliance to a third-world dictatorship of dependent subjects. Although I recognize that this is highly inflammatory and any public figure who dares to broach this subject would be vilified this is what I think we should do - impose a voter qualification test- a simple exam similar to the citizenship test for immigrants. This would go a long way to ensuring that those who have a say in the direction we should take actually have a working knowledge of economics, civics and history, and would recognize the long-term results of proposed policy.
  • Tom Shumadine commented on 2/2/2013
    This is what happens when laws are not enforced. These people broke the law and I assume they knew what they were doing. If we forgive them for breaking the law, do we forgive everyone else who has broken a law. Where is the line that we are to go by?
  • Belinda Whittaker commented on 2/2/2013
    I am hopeful that Washington can work together on this. As there are now two plans... perhaps the best of both plans can be put into place. Make it work.
  • Belinda Whittaker commented on 2/2/2013
    I would like to see the best of both plans put into effect. Make it work.
  • Belinda Whittaker commented on 2/2/2013
    I would like to see the best of both plans put into effect. Make this work
  • Patricia Price commented on 2/3/2013
    I am fine with the bill except that I do not think it should be contingent on securing the borders as a first step. Continuing to secure our borders should be part of this, but should not delay moving forward with this legislation.
  • James Hammond commented on 2/3/2013
    At this point we need to draw down government spending and put policies in place that avoid sequestration. The impact of defense spending could be catastrophic. Then, we need to get away from this whole mess of recklessly putting gun control laws in place that are emotional, gut-reaction policies that will not change the violence in this country. These laws will only hurt the law-abiding citizen and possibly make him/her a criminal while at the same time will cut away at our second amendment rights. Finally, we do need to address the illegal immigrant issue. I do support a path to citizenship for those here now and like the idea of paying a penalty/back taxes. Our country if one of immigrants and we should welcome those who want to come to this country, work, pay taxes, adopt the American way, and still have the freedoms of speech, religion, and retaining their culture. They should NOT expect us to learn their language, adopt their culture, and change for them. They are HERE and should not expect to live as they would in their home country. America is a melting pot and as such is makes it even more important, more vital, and essential that we maintain our heritage as one country, under God. We are a country of workers, of doers. Where one can achieve as much or as little as they are willing to work for. This should not be a country of entitlement where the riches of the few who work hard is "spread around" to those who have not worked hard. Everyone's "fair share" comes when they work for it. God made us each for a purpose, with gifts used to glorify Him. Rewarding those who sit around and do nothing and expect a handout is a travesty and a drain on this country. We are better than that! We are America! The Land of the Free, the Home of the Brave!
  • Enrique Alvarado commented on 2/4/2013
    I'am a latino living in the U.S. since 1983, got married to my current wife in 1986 when I was 21 yrs old , she was my sponsor for a green card which I received in 1990,for 30 years I've paid my taxes,never collected unemployment or received any kind of social services help, I've worked very hard through-out the years to earn a decent paycheck and support my family here and abroad, because of the actual economy situation for the last 6 months I've earned less than $ 3000 dollars and I'am currectly unemployed, NOT collecting unemployment or any other benefits and just living on a prayer, my point is that because of the economy has not fully recovered this is NOT the right time to legalize 11 million illegals, if this deal goes through it is only going to make things harder for someone like myself and many more legal residents and citizen out of work to find a job, by own experience I can tell you that there are more illegals with jobs than legal workers, employers prefer illegals because they don't have to worry about paying unemployment if out of work, lawsuits if somebody gets hurt on the job,complaints if employers break labor laws because illegals will always remain silent to abuses by employers and will take any job for way less pay than a legal person would, if illegals become legals they will remain at their current low wages and employers will not be willing to pay any higher wages to qualified workers which in turn will hurt the economy even more because there will be no extra money to spend, if illegals become legals they will be entitled to goverment and state benefits which will cost the economy and tax payers a lot of money, there are a lot more issues to consider before making a desicion that is going to change our way of life, and finally Latinos are pretty much natural born Democrats, it is going to take the GOP a lot more than just an agreement to legalize illegals to win the thrust of the Latino community, right now all the credit for any reform will go to Pres. Obama and the Democrats and I won't be surprised if Democrats take over the House of Reps. in the next elections.
  • Gregg J commented on 2/4/2013
    The opponents of the senate plan have it right. Immigration reform should consist of securing the border, ending birthright citizenship for illegal aliens, performing backround checks and providing green cards to those that deserve them and payment of back taxes. No amnesty or pathway to citizenship. Additionally, all immigrants that entered the country illegally need to pay an additional annual tax...call it the border security tax. This tax would be used to fund border enforcement and provide a trust fund for families of border agents killed by illegal aliens or those that traffic them. Furthermore, any business caught employing illegal aliens need to pay the additional border security tax for a period of ten years. This will serve as a deterent to hiring illegal aliens in the first place.
  • Terri Milroy commented on 2/4/2013
    Providing amnesty to some illegal immigrants who are gainfully employed and willing to submit themselves to criminal background checks may be an acceptable solution to appease both the Hispanic community and the general public. However, a general amnesty that fails to acknowledge the thousands of criminals operating within our borders while here illegally is reprehensibly stupid, and opens us up to continued drug/gang violence, possible terrorist activity, and continued danger to law abiding American citizens.
  • Cynndara Morgan commented on 2/4/2013
    Since we can't stop it, we need to do something about it. First, illegal workers need the full protection of American labor laws. One reason why they act to lower wages and lock native-born citizens out of jobs, is that they can essentially be treated as slaves. They have no recourse; if they complain of sub-minimum wages, unfair treatment, sexual harassment, or lack of overtime pay, they can be fired without unemployment compensation and deported. Naturally this lowers the wage base for everyone who expects to be treated like a human being on the job. Just as obviously, there are many large and powerful employers who have a strong, vested interest in keeping things just as they are: with a plentiful supply of ILLEGAL labor, because illegal labor is cheap and disposable. So for people who think this is a matter of balancing humanity against self-interest: it's not. It's to all of our best interests that foreign workers get the same protections as anyone else. Secondly, we have to address WHY we are flooded with immigrants. It's not just because the US is "the best". Hardly. We do, however, operate an economic stranglehold on much of South and Central America, where our offshored corporations run rampant, free of the laws which we impose on them at home and able to buy the local governments outright. We have also exported our War On Drugs to an entire continent which really couldn't care less about drugs, (only Americans and Chinese are so rabidly puritanical as to persecute people for enjoying themselves), but is desperate for our money. The result has been wave after wave of refugees from wars which would not exist if not for our schizophrenic hypocrisy. It all comes down to: it's long past time to hold the rich and powerful to account for their sins, and concentrating on the pawns and victims. It's just so much easier to pick on little guys.
  • Robert Stall commented on 2/4/2013
    We should grant amnesty only when the border fence is complete and only those who pay back and current taxes should get it as Charles Krauthammer said in his column. We have got to stop bankrupting the country. Rob S.
  • Robert Stall commented on 2/4/2013
    We should grant amnesty only after the border fence is completed as Charles Krauthammer said recently in his column. It should be given to those who back and current taxes. The country is going bankrupt with this kind of thing. Thanks, Rob S
  • Michelle K commented on 2/5/2013
    When I AM SEVERELY DISABLED, and when I have served in the USA military and ALSO worked and paid taxes for 30 years and still do pay taxes even tho I am severely disabled...am I supposed to be in favor of any bill with potential loophoes to support uncontrolled immigration and anchor baby benefits for those who have not served us in the many ways I have? I have been denied some really needed health benefits, transpoirtation to the doctors, an education that I would have liked to have had, denied a needed cellphone for medical reasons even tho I am paying taxes for the ones they are giving away as "social"benefits etc etc etc".........just because I am trying to remain a responsible citizen even tho I am truly disabled with a life limiting rare illness. If we feel the need to reform immigration than do it in a fiscally responsible manner. We have model countries to go by (Australia, Canada) Many do it in a way not to penalize and insult those who have paid their dues and served more than their time. However we know that the gov't cannot accomplish anything in a fiscally responsive manner....we have that proof. You know as well as I do that many would love to come here just to receive the hand-outs they are told about and work just long enough to receive them, finding loophole after loophole to get something for nothing. Take care of our own first and especially those who have done something for their country. While my relatives still live on rezervations after having thier land stolen from them by our gov't, people in tent cities,...need I say more? No Perhaps you should invite me to this meeting of the minds. (Fat chance)
  • Jon Suponski commented on 2/5/2013
    I was always taught (by a WW2 Veteran) that when a large group of people enter your country without permission it is called an "invasion" and was met with force. Imigrants enter the US legally and with due process and have always been welcome to come here provided they abide by our laws and can support themselves. Indeed they have created this Nation and have fought and died to sustain it. The process may be tedious but it does exist even if it does need reform. Ileagle Alians are just that and should not be rewarded for breaking the law. Any who want to go through the process to become legitimate residents of the US are welcome to do so. Those who do not should be deported.
  • ROBERTO JJ commented on 2/7/2013
  • Swervin Irvin Maslow commented on 2/8/2013
    See above comment! Spare us!! eliminate MILLENNIALS from everything except gadget testing, psych studies!
  • Paula C. Benoit commented on 2/9/2013
    As a child growing up (I was born in 1946) I was always taught that "CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME", which meant taking care of your obligations/responsibilities at home such as rent/house payment, utilities, food, clothing, etc., and after that if there was anything left over you should try to help your neighbors. The same rule should apply here meaning the Government should take care of American Citizens first and foremost. But this country is over run with illegal immigrants that are living and working here which is taking away from legal citizens. America is the "GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD"--it must be because there are so many people from all over the world that come here to stay. To the ones that came here legally I say "WELCOME" to the ones that came here illegally I say "GO HOME"!!!! Until such time as the economy in this country returns to a "State of Normalcy", if it ever does, until such time as there are enough decent, good paying jobs available for every American to be gainfully employed, until such time as there are no more Americans living on the streets, in homeless shelters, automobiles, etc. and until such time as no American (adult or child) goes to bed hungry no more immigrants legal or illegal should be allowed to enter this country!!!! Every time an immigrant, legal or illegal, enters this country that is one more American that is pushed aside and lost in the shuffle in this country. This country is in such a bad financial state that it cannot help the legal citizens that are here now it's time to say "NO MORE HANDOUTS, FREEBIES OR FREE RIDES TO ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS"!!!! There is absolutely no need whatsoever for "New Laws or New Plans" to deal with the problem of "Illegal Immigrants" -- it is a simple matter of ENFORCING THE LAWS OR PLANS THAT ALREADY EXIST!!!! NO AMNESTY FOR ANY IMMIGRANT REGARDLESS OF THE CIRCUMSTANCES THEY SHOULD HAVE TO GO THROUGH THE EXACT SAME PROCEDURES AS LEGAL IMMIGRANTS!!!! Remember "CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME" and American Citizens should always come first!!!!
  • Robyn Jones commented on 2/9/2013
    I agree with what the senate has proposed. However, I am wondering if the requirements outlined in the proposal may be too strick for those considered dreamers. Of course there should be a legal way for people to migrate to this country but the system that we have no is definitely in adequate for the times we live in. I know very well that we need to come up with a much better system than we have now. Throwing 11 million people out of the country at one time will not only be disasterous for our economy but would displace these people who only want to be a part of this country and to add to it. If people in this area believe that it would simple to just throw everyone that's an illegal, they are living in a dream world. There is no way that can be done. But of course you know that. I trust that you and your collegues will come to a solution quickly and get this settled.
  • Kevin Harris commented on 2/12/2013
    Mr Forbes...do you see all these NON Native Americans saying don't let anyone else in? You can have a chance to vote against intolerance. I Support closing the border, path to citizenship for everyone except people with a criminal record and enforce penalties on businesses that hire undocumented workers. That's the fix
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