Interior Columbia River Basin TRT

Puget Sound link

Willamette / Lower Columbia River Basins link

Interior Columbia link

Southwestern Washington Coast link

Oregon Coast link

North-Central California link

Soutth-Central California link

California Central Valley link

Technical Recovery Team:
Interior Columbia River Basin

Listed ESUs in the Interior Columbia River Basin TRT

Chinook salmon Upper Columbia River Spring Chinook (Endangered)
ESU map (pdf)

Snake River Spring/Summer Chinook (Threatened)
ESU map (pdf)

Snake River Fall Chinook (Threatened)
ESU map (pdf)
SteelheadUpper Columbia River Steelhead (Endangered)
ESU map (pdf)

Mid-Columbia River Steelhead (Threatened)
ESU map (pdf)

Snake River Steelhead (Threatened)
ESU map (pdf)
SockeyeSnake River Sockeye (Endangered)
ESU map (pdf)

Salmon pictures used in the NMFS Salmon ESA Pages are used with permission from Nature Discovery, Copyright © 1996. Salmon photos are used with permission from E.R. Keeley, © 1998-1999.



Future meetings scheduled:

Portland Meeting location: NMFS Office at 525 NE Oregon St, in the Willamette conference room on the 1st floor (Map).

Meeting Notes

Members & Affiliations

  • Richard Carmichael - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife

  • Thomas Cooney - NMFS, Portland

  • Peter Hassemer - Idaho Department of Fish and Game

  • Phillip Howell - USDA Forest Service

  • Michelle McClure - NMFS, Northwest Fisheries Science Center

  • Dale McCullough - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission

  • Charles Petrosky - Idaho Department of Fish and Game

  • Howard Schaller - US Fish and Wildlife Service

  • Paul Spruell - Department of Biology, Southern Utah University

  • Fred Utter - School of Aquatic and Fisheries Science, University of Washington

  • Casey Baldwin - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife

last modified 09/28/2011