Additional Recovery Links

Additional Recovery Links


National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Headquarters
NMFS has jurisdiction over Federal Endangered Species Act management of marine species, including Pacific salmon and steelhead.

NMFS Northwest Fisheries Science Center
Conducts scientific research and manages the Northwest Region Technical Recovery Teams.

NMFS Northwest Regional Office
Develops NMFS policy in the Northwest, including salmon recovery policy.

Northwest Regional Office Salmon Recovery Division
Northwest Regional Office work related to salmon recovery planning.

NMFS Southwest Fisheries Science Center
Conducts scientific research and manages the Southwest Region Technical Recovery Teams.

NMFS Southwest Regional Office
Develops NMFS policy in the Southwest, including salmon recovery policy.

NOAA Employee Locator
Can be used to obtain address, email and phone information for all NMFS employees.

States, Tribes, Agencies, and Organizations (alphabetically):

Army Corps of Engineers (COE) Northwest Division
The COE operates many federal hydropower projects in the region and is therefore heavily involved in the management of salmon and steelhead populations.

Bonneville Power Administration
Operates Federal hydropower projects in the Columbia Basin and is therefore heavily involved in the management of Columbia salmon and steelhead populations.

California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG)
State agency that manages state research and regulation of California fish and wildlife, including salmon and steelhead.

Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC)
Tribal organization representing four Columbia Basin tribes. CRITFC conducts salmon research and develops tribal salmon policy.

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 10
Federal agency that has responsibility for water quality issues that affect listed salmon and steelhead.

Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)
State agency that manages state research and regulation of Idaho fish and wildlife, including salmon and steelhead.

Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission (NWIFC)
Tribal organization representing nineteen Washington coastal and Puget Sound tribes. The NWIFC conducts salmon research and develops tribal salmon policy.

Northwest Power and Conservation Council (NWPCC)
The Northwest Power Planning Council is a federally initiated four-state compact formed by Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington to oversee electric power system planning and fish and wildlife recovery in the Columbia River Basin.

Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW)
State agency that manages state research and regulation of Oregon fish and wildlife, including salmon and steelhead.

Pacific Fisheries Management Council (PFMC)
The council develops fisheries management plans in the U.S. Economic Exclusion Zone as required under the Federal Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act. These plans include Pacific salmon and steelhead.

Puget Sound Shared Strategy
This is a multi-agency and multi-interest group made up of federal, tribal, state and local governments, watershed groups, NGOs, private industry, and citizen groups who are working towards developing a recovery plan for listed anadromous fish in Puget Sound (chinook salmon, Hood Canal summer chum salmon and bull trout).

Salmon Information Center
Sponsored by King County, City of Seattle, City of Bellevue, The Seattle Aquarium, MCI/Worldcom, Accelerated Web Development, Master Builders Association of King and Snohomish Counties, Seattle - King County Association of Realtors, People for Salmon.

Salmon Recovery Funding Board
The 1999 Washington Legislature created and authorized the Salmon Recovery Funding Board to guide spending of funds targeted for recovery activities and projects. Governor Gary Locke appointed the Chair & Members in July 1999. Mr. Bill Ruckelshaus of Seattle serves as the Chair.

StreamNet is a cooperative venture of the Pacific Northwest's fish and wildlife agencies and tribes that provides data and data services in support of the region's fish and wildlife programs. StreamNet databases contain a great deal of information on salmon populations in the northwest.

US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
Federal agency that has jurisdiction over Federal Endangered Species Act management of non-marine species and other aspects of the environment that affect salmon and steelhead.

US Forest Service (USFS)
Federal agency that manages the often large regions of freshwater salmon habitat found in National Forests.

Washington Department of Fish and Game (WDFW)
State agency that manages state research and regulation of Washington fish and wildlife, including salmon and steelhead.

Washington State Governor's Salmon Recovery Office
The Salmon Office's role is to coordinate and produce a statewide salmon strategy, assist in the development of regional salmon recovery plans, and submit the strategy and plans to the federal government. The office will also provide the Biennial State of the Salmon report to the Legislature.

last modified 02/06/2008