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GOES-R Acronyms (T)

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

For a complete list of GOES-R Acronyms & Glossary. . . click here (pdf)
T&C   Telemetry and Command
T&CH   Telemetry and Command Handling
T&E   Test and Evaluation
TA   Technical Authority
TAC   Technical Advisory Committee
TAF   Technical Aerodrome Forecast
TAFB   Tropical Analysis and Forecast Branch
TAMDAR   Tropospheric Airborne Meteorological Data Reporting
TAP   Technical Advisory Panel
TAT   Time-at-Tone
TB   Terabyte (10E12 bytes)
TB   Thermal Balance
TBD   to be determined
TBR   to be reviewed
TBS   to be specified / supplied
TBX   to be __________ 
TC   tropical cyclone
TCFC   Tropical Cyclone Forecast Center
TCO   total column ozone
TCP   Transmission Control Protocol
TCP/IP   Transmission Control Protocol/internet protocol suite
TCS   Thermal Control System
TD   Test Director
TD   Thermal Desktop
TDAS   Test Data Analysis System
TDD   Test Design Document
TDP   Technology Development Plan
TEMP   Test and Evaluation Master Plan
TEMPIR   Temporal Infrared Test
TEP   Transport End Point
TF   transfer frame
TFTP   Tropopause Folding Turbulence Prediction
TGCT   Thermal Gross Contrast Test
THC   Total Hydrocarbons
TID   Total Ionizing Dose
TIFDS   Test Inject Intermediate Frequency Distribution Switching (IFDS)
TIM   Technical Interchange Meeting
TIM   Technical Interface Meeting
TIR   thermal infrared
TIS   test inject switch
TKE   Total Kinetic Energy
TLM   Telemetry
TM   Thematic Mapper
TMI   TRMM Microwave Imager
TML   Total Mass Loss
TMM   Thermal Math Model
TMON   Telemetry Monitoring
TMR   Triple Modular Redundancy 
TNC   threaded Neill-Concelman
TOA   Top Of the Atmosphere
TOM   Transition to Operations Manager
TOMS   Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer
ToR   Terms of Reference
TOTO   total-totals
TPC   Tropical Prediction Center
TPM   Technical Performance Measurement
TPMS   Technical Performance Measurement System
TPW   Total Precipitable Water
TQCM   Temperature-Controlled Quartz Crystal Microbalance
TRASYS   Thermal Radiation Analyzer System
TT&C   Telemetry, Tracking, and Command
TRD   Technical Requirements Document
TRL   Technology Readiness Level
TRMM   Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission
TRD   Test Requirements Document
TRR   Test Readiness Review
TSP   twisted shield pair
TSSR   Transfer Standard Stability Radiometer
TT   Totals Total
TT&C   Telemetry, Tracking, and Command
TUT   Thermal (11 µm BT) Uniformity Test
TV   Thermal Vacuum
TVAC   Thermal Vacuum
TVDI   Temperature Vegetation Dryness Index
TWH   Technical Warrant Holder
TWT   Traveling Wave Tube
TXR   Thermal Infrared Transfer Radiometer
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