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GOES-R Acronyms (N)

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

For a complete list of GOES-R Acronyms & Glossary. . . click here (pdf)
N   Newton
N   North
NAAPS   Navy Aerosol Analysis and Prediction System
NAM   North American Mesoscale
NAMMA   NASA African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analyses
NAR   Non-Advocate Review
NASA   National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASCOM   NASA Communications
NASTRAN   NASA Structural Analysis
NAVOCEANO   Naval Oceanographic Office
NCAR   National Center for Atmospheric Research
NCDC   National Climatic Data Center (NESDIS)
NCEP   National Center for Environmental Prediction (NWS)
NCF   Network Control Facility
NCIRT   NOAA Computer Incident Response Team
NCOMP   Nighttime Cloud Optical and Microphysical Properties
NDA   Non-Disclosure Agreement
NDE   Non-Destructive Evaluation
NDE   NPOESS Data Exploitation
NDSI   Normalized Difference Snow Index
NDVI   Normalized Difference Vegetation Index 
NEC   NOAA Executive Council
NEDR   Noise Equivalent Delta Radiance
NEDT   Noise Equivalent Delta Temperature
NEMA   National Electrical Manufacturers Association
NEN   NASA Engineering Network
NEP   NOAA Executive Panel
NEPA   National Environmental Policy Act
NEII   NESDIS Enterprise Infrastructure Interface
NESDIS   National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service
NESDIS AA   NOAA Assistant Administrator for Satellite and Information Services
NET   no earlier than 
NetCDF   Network Common Data Form
NFS   NASA Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Supplement
NGDC   National Geophysical Data Center (NESDIS)
NGST   Northrop Grumman Space Technology
NHC   National Hurricane Center
NIC   National Ice Center
NIMO   Networks Integration Management Office
NIR   Near Infrared
NIRREF   Near Infrared Snow Test
NISN   NASA Integrated Services Network
NIST   National Institute of Standards and Technology
NIST-SURF   National Institute of Standards and Technologies Synchrotron Ultraviolet Radiation Facility
NITRB   NOAA Information Technology (IT) Review Board
NLDN   National Lightning Detection Network
NLT   no later than
N-m   Newton-meter
N-m-sec   Newton-meter-second
NMFC/JTWC   Naval Maritime Forecast Center/Joint Typhoon Warning Center
NMFS   National Maritime & Fisheries Services (NOAA)
NOA   New Obligation Authority
NOAA   National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NODC   National Oceanographic Data Center
NODIS   NASA On-Line Directives Information System
NOHRSC   National Operational Hydrologic Remote Sensing Center
NOMAT   Non Operational Mission Allowable Temperatures
NOS   National Ocean Service
NOSA   National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Observing System Architecture
NOSC   NOAA Observing System Council
NOT   Non-operational Temperatures
nPa   Nano Pascals
NPD   NASA Policy Directive
NPOESS   National Polar-Orbiting Environmental Satellite System
NPG (replaced with NPR)  

NASA Procedures and Guidelines 

NPP   NPOESS Preparatory Project
NPR   NASA Procedural Requirement(s)
NPSL   NASA Parts Selection List
NRA   NASA Research Announcement
NRL   Naval Research Lab
NRT   Near Real Time
NRZ-S   non-return to zero space
N/S   North - South or North/South
NSA   National Security Agency
NSIDC   National Snow and Ice Data Center
NSOF   NOAA Satellite Operations Facility
NSPAR   Nonstandard Parts Approval Request
NSSK   North/South Station-keeping
nT   nano Tesla
NTIA   National Telecommunications and Information Administration
NTGSE   WindowsNT Ground Support Equipment
NVR   Non-Volatile Residue
NWA   National Weather Association
NWP   numerical weather prediction
NWS   National Weather Service 
NWSTG   NWS Telecommunications Gateway
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