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Glenn R. Guntenspergen

Patuxent Wildlife Research Center
Superior, WI 

 Photo of Glenn R. Guntenspergen

Telephone: 218-720-4307

Fax: 218-720-4328


Research Ecologist

Primary Responsibilities: 
wetland, landscape, and urban ecology research

University of Illinois B.S. 1974

University of Illinois, M.S. 1977

University of Wisconsin, Ph.D. 1984

Areas of Expertise/Interest: community ecology, landscape ecology, global climate change impacts, and effects of land-use and land-cover on ecosystem processes

Member of the Science Advisory Board for the International Convention on Wetlands (RAMSAR) 

Secretary-General Society of Wetland Scientists 

Editor-In-Chief Urban Ecosystems

Active Projects: 

Predicting the persistence of coastal wetlands to climate change

Effects of multiple stressors on aquatic communities in the Prairie Pothole Region

Quantifying the influence of long-term climatic variability on prairie wetland hydrology, plant community dynamics, and carbon sequestration

Identifying the cause of a biological invasion: Comparing salinity and flooding tolerances and assessing competiveness of native and non-native populations of Phragmites australis

Developing indicators of freshwater emergent wetland ecosystem integrity for monitoring and management at Acadia National Park  

Climate and land-use change impacts on wetlands

Wetland loss or wetland gain: Planning for rising sea level in coastal wildlife refuges

Determining wetland susceptibility to groundwater withdrawal in Cape May County, New Jersey


J.S. Leventhal and G.R. Guntenspergen. 2004. Seasonal methane emissions by diffusion and ebullition from oligohaline marsh environments in coastal Louisiana . Pp. 389-408 IN: Geochemical Investigations in Earth and Space Science. Publication 9, The Geochemical Society.

Johnson, W.C., S.E. Boettcher, K.A. Poiani, and G.R. Guntenspergen. 2004. Influence of weather extremes on the water levels of glaciated prairie wetlands. Wetlands 24: 385-398.

Verheyen, K., G.R. Guntenspergen, B. Biesbrouch, and M. Hermy. 2003. An integrated analysis of the effects of past land use on forest herb colonization at the landscape scale. J. of Ecology 91: 731-742.

Austin , J.E., G.R. Guntenspergen, H.T. Sklebar, and T.K. Buhl. 2003. Differences in distribution of modified basins and ducks relative to roadside transects. Wetlands 23: 140-148.

Guntenspergen, G.R., S.A. Peterson, S. Liebowitz, and L. Cowardin. 2002. Indicators of wetland condition for the prairie pothole region of the United States . Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 78:229-252.

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