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Posted 9/29/2009 Printable Fact Sheet

The Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Educational Outreach Office offers a variety of FREE programs to educators, students and schools in the local community. 

Classroom Speakers
Volunteers with a wide variety of expertise and life experiences from WPAFB are available to speak to your students.  Please allow at least 30 days from time of request to desired date of speaking engagment.
For more information, email or call 904-8622.

Job Shadowing/Mentoring 
Every Fall and Spring, the Educational Outreach Office sponsors a job shadow day for high school juniors and seniors that allows them to learn, first-hand, about some of the many exciting careers available at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.
The next Job Shadow Day is scheduled for March 19, 2008
For more information, email or call 904-8622.

Ohio/Miami Valley READS 
The program seeks a commitment of only an hour a week from reading mentors. Volunteers can choose to participate at any school who is doing the Ohio READS/Miami Valley READS program. All volunteers are required to attend a 3-hour training session at the Miami Valley Literacy Council located at 18 W. First St., Downtown Dayton.
Both civilian and military members need the approval of their supervisors to participate in the program. Civilians can use their lunch hour, compensatory time, flex-hours, annual leave or off-duty time to devote to tutoring.
For more information, call 904-8628.

Student Employment Opportunities
Provides employment opportunities to students who are enrolled in an accredited high school, 2-year or 4 year college or graduate school. The students must be degree seeking taking at least a half-time academic course load. The program is comprised of two components: the Student Temporary Employment Program (STEP) and the Student Career Experience Program (SCEP) often referred to the cooperative education program which includes tuition assistance for engineering, hard science, and financial majors.
For more information about positions at Wright-Patt, click here or call 257-8305.

National Museum of the United States Air Force  
The National Museum of the U. S. Air Force is implementing a new scheduling procedure. To better serve visiting school and youth groups and to provide the best possible learning experience, all visiting groups must have reservations in advance. For more information, call Education Division at 255-8048 x461, x462, x463 or x334.

The Base Educational Outreach office is the lead organization for the annual state of Ohio FIRST LEGO League robotics competition. For more on this program, click here.

Wizards of Wright (W.O.W!) 
The scientists and engineers of Wright-Patt have developed some portable science kits to bring "science" excitement to your classroom.
To request a demo, call 904-8622.  Presentations are designed to fit most grade level needs. Intended class size is 25-30 students. Special requests may be considered.

Scanning Electron Microscope EDucatorS (SEMEDS)
SEMEDS is a unique program that brings local students and their teachers to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base to operate state-of-the-art scanning electron microscopes in a laboratory setting. This program is conducted by volunteers form across the base and is sponsored by the Air Force Research Laboratory Materials and Manufacturing Directorate.
SEMEDS is a two-hour after-school program for high school and middle school students. Each session can accommodate 18 students and up to four sessions are offered each month. The session begins with a brief explanation of what a SEM is, how it works and the scientific concepts behind it. Students are also briefed on typical careers and training needed in the microscopy field. They are then escorted to one of the SEM labs for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience first-hand what it's like to use a $500,000 microscope to explore a wide variety of unique and everyday specimens. Bringing students into a world-class facility, introducing them to the elite researchers who work there, and allowing them to use the same equipment they use, in their laboratories, is a very special experience that cannot be duplicated. 
For more information, call 904-8622.

The Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Educational Fund is a tax-exempt source of funds to provide academic achievement scholarships for the children and grandchildren of currently employed civilian and military personnel at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.

Armed Forces Communications-Electronics Association (AFCEA)
The local Dayton-Wright Chapter of AFCEA provides annual funding to seven universities/colleges to allow them to grant scholarships to their students meeting criteria established by the Chapter.

Officers' Wives' Club 
The Wright-Patterson OWC, as part of their welfare program each year awards scholarships to graduating high school students who are dependents of both military and/or civilians at WPAFB and dependent spouses of both military and/or civilians at WPAFB as defined in the scholarship guidelines.

MOAA Scholarship 
The Dayton Area Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) will present a merit scholarship to a 2007 graduating high school senior in the Dayton chapter's area of membership.

Science Fairs
Science fairs have an important role in encouraging young scientists! The WPAFB Educational Outreach Office offers the following in support of your science fair activities. 
Many scientists, engineers and other professionals from WPAFB volunteer their time to judge projects at local science fairs. It's a wonderful way to help groom the technical workforce needed for the future and to let your students interact with professionals who actually work in the kind of careers they may be interested in! 
-Information on science fairs/projects
Bob Gemin, WPAFB EO Engineering Specialist and resident science fair "guru" has put together a great presentation about the benefits and how-tos of participating in a science fair. His presentation is targeted for students, parents and their teachers. 
For more information, call 904-8622.

STARBASE is a Department of Defense program designed to increase student interest and knowledge in math, science and technology. The Educational Outreach Office at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base provides the STARBASE curriculum to 5th grade students attending Dayton area schools. For more information on this innovative program, click here!

Scopes for Students
Would you like your science fair projects to go a little more "high tech" next year? It could, thanks to a partnership between the Wright-Patterson AFB Educational Outreach Office and the Dayton-Wright Chapter of the Armed Forces Communication and Electronics Association (AFCEA).
Through the "Scopes for Students" program, high school students can apply for free usage of a computer based digital storage oscilloscope system that can provide a variety of scientific measurements. The system consists of a PC-based digital storage oscilloscope (DSO), compatible surplus laptop personal computer, multi-meter, and sensors appropriate for the students investigation. Limited technical assistance in DSO operation and sensor usage during the science fair season will also be provided. Also available is loan of equipment for static measurement which consists of multi-meter and appropriate sensor.
Students can chose from sensors that can measure acceleration, force, gas pressure, light based, pH, magnetic field, sound based, temperature and more. The DSO can measure up to two simultaneous outputs over time and display this data in a usable format on the laptop computer. Using various computer controls, the data can be studied for changes that occur from mere microseconds up to gradual changes over several days. The relationship of two sensor data can also be compared and be imported into Microsoft Excel for graphing analysis or Microsoft Word for documentation.
How to Apply: If you are a high school student, you may apply for one of the available DSO systems to use in your science fair project. You will be asked to submit a one-page proposal that describes your project, what sensors are needed, along with permission from teacher and guardian. Applications will be ranked using a blind review process, with the top applicants receiving loan of the equipment. Depending on the equipment requested (some entries may require only static measurements via a sensor with meter) more student projects can be accepted. Because of the technical nature of the equipment, students in higher grades may be given priority. Multiple entry/decision dates will be established to accommodate different school project schedules. 
For more information, call 904-8622 or email.

WPAFB Educational Outreach Office
2130 8th Street, Bldg 45, Rm 45
WPAFB, OH 45433-7542
(937) 904-8622

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