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National Security

The Global War on Terror is not over. The battle continues and must be won.  As the situation in Iraq improves and the situation in Afghanistan becomes troublesome, it is important that the Congress exercises a healthy review of the President’s war policies. I agree with the President that more troops are needed in Afghanistan; however the situation is not that simple.

Afghanistan is a much larger country than Iraq with a much more rugged terrain. Further, the "surge" strategy that was successful in Iraq involved more than just sending more troops to the region. It was a comprehensive strategy that involved, among other things, relocating the troops to more tactical locations to reassure the citizens of Iraq that the Coalition forces were trustworthy and would not abandoned them. When this happened, the Iraqis began cooperating with our troops, terrorists were captured, and stability began to take hold.

While the strategy in Iraq cannot and should not be exactly replicated in Afghanistan, I am very confident in the ability of our military leadership and the determination of our military men and women on the ground. As the weeks and months progress and the battle continues in Afghanistan, you may rest assured that I will be closely watching.

Having served alongside them myself, I often reflect on the tremendous valor and sacrifice that the brave men and women of our armed forces demonstrate on a daily basis. I will ensure they have the resources they need to win, and will continue to pray for their safety and success.

Olson National Security Op/Eds:

Failure in Benghazi - The Hill 11/05/2012

US falling behind in battle for ultimate high ground – space - The Hill 3/28/2012

A Sept. 11 Remembrance - Bay Area Citizen 9/9/11


Defense and Foreign Affairs Bills Supported by Rep. Olson:

1. H.RES. 36: Establishing a select committee to investigate and report on the attack on the United States consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

Sponsor: Rep Wolf, Frank R.[R-VA-10] (introduced 1/18/2013) Cosponsors:20

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