Federal Forms API Documentation

If you are using the Federal Forms API and have feedback or want to tell us about your product, please e-mail us.

The Federal Forms API returns detailed information on federal government forms and the agencies that have created them.

By using the Federal Forms API, you agree to our Terms of Service.

Form Agencies

To see which agencies currently have forms available via the Forms API, you can access the RESTful Form Agency API endpoint:


  • http://search.usa.gov/api/v1/form_agencies.json
  • http://search.usa.gov/api/v1/form_agencies/1.json

Response Format





None required

Response Fields

  • id: The unique ID of the form agency. Agency ID's can be passed in to the Forms API as filter parameters.
  • display_name: The full name of the agency
  • name: The shortened name/URL of the agency (e.g., 'ssa.gov')
  • locale: The locale of the agency (e.g, 'en', 'es')


The Forms API allows you to search for forms by fulltext query and to limit your results by filter parameters. To search for forms, you must pass a search query and/or filter parameters.


  • http://search.usa.gov/api/v1/forms/search.json?query=i-485
  • http://search.usa.gov/api/v1/forms/search.json?query=form+I485
  • http://search.usa.gov/api/v1/forms/search.json?count=1&verified=true&query=
  • http://search.usa.gov/api/v1/forms/search.json?count=10&public_code=Private+Sector


  • query: The query to use for fulltext search on the form fields. This is required unless you pass in one of the filter parameters below.
  • form_agencies: Comma-separated list of form agency ID's (see Form Agency endpoint above).
  • file_type: One of PDF, DOC, or Opnline.
  • verified: true/false. Verified forms are hosted by the agency that created them. An unverified form might be an IRS tax form hosted on ssa.gov.
  • count: Maximum number of results to return. Defaults to 100.
  • line_of_business: See the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs form for options.
  • public_code: See the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs form for options.
  • subfunction: See the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs form for options.

Response Example

        "abstract": "This form is necessary for an organization to request authorization from the USCIS to issue certificates to foreign health care workers. The data collected on this form is used by the USCIS to determine eligibility to issue certificates.",
        "details": {
          "title": "Application for Authorization to Issue Certification for Health Care Workers",
          "revision_date": "10\/30\/11",
          "landing_page_url": "http:\/\/www.uscis.gov\/i-905",
          "links": [
              "title": "Form I-905",
              "url": "http:\/\/www.uscis.gov\/files\/form\/i-905.pdf",
              "file_size": "107KB",
              "file_type": "PDF"
              "title": "Instructions for Form I-905",
              "url": "http:\/\/www.uscis.gov\/files\/form\/i-905instr.pdf",
              "file_size": "65KB",
              "file_type": "PDF"
          "file_size": "107KB",
          "description": "For an organization to apply for authorization to issue certificates to health care workers.",
          "number_of_pages": "2"
        "expiration_date": "2012-10-31",
        "file_type": "PDF",
        "id": 373,
        "line_of_business": "Homeland Security",
        "number": "I-905",
        "public_code": "Private Sector",
        "subfunction": "Border and Transportation Security",
        "url": "http:\/\/www.uscis.gov\/files\/form\/i-905.pdf",
        "verified": true,
        "form_agency": {
          "display_name": "U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services",
          "id": 1,
          "locale": "en",
          "name": "uscis.gov"
        "abstract": "Certain refugees and asylees, must use this form when applying for adjustment of status with USCIS. USCIS will submit the data collected on this form to HHS. HHS will include this information when submitting it's annual report to Congress under section 413(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act.",
        "details": {
          "title": "Health and Human Services Statistical Data for Refugee\/Asylee Adjusting Status",
          "revision_date": "10\/8\/10",
          "landing_page_url": "http:\/\/www.uscis.gov\/i-643",
          "links": [
              "title": "Form I-643",
              "url": "http:\/\/www.uscis.gov\/files\/form\/i-643.pdf",
              "file_size": "1024KB",
              "file_type": "PDF"
          "file_size": "1024KB",
          "description": "This form is used to provide statistical data to the Department of Health and Human Services regarding refugees or asylees who wish to adjust to immigrant status in the United States.",
          "number_of_pages": "2"
        "expiration_date": "2012-10-31",
        "file_type": "PDF",
        "id": 348,
        "line_of_business": "Homeland Security",
        "number": "I-643",
        "public_code": "Individuals or Households",
        "subfunction": "Border and Transportation Security",
        "url": "http:\/\/www.uscis.gov\/files\/form\/i-643.pdf",
        "verified": true,
        "form_agency": {
          "display_name": "U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services",
          "id": 1,
          "locale": "en",
          "name": "uscis.gov"

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