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National Center for Special Education Research

icon of glasses and a book Research Training Program in Special Education: Postdoctoral Research Training


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FY Awards

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Dr. Amy Sussman
(202) 219-2126


There will be no FY 2013 Request for Applications for the Research Training Program in Special Education: Postdoctoral Research Training.

The Institute has established the Research Training Program in Special Education: Postdoctoral Research Training (Postdoctoral) to increase the supply of scientists and researchers in education who are prepared to conduct rigorous and relevant special education research addressing issues that are important to special education leaders and practitioners and contributing to the advancement of knowledge and theory in special education. The specific intent of this program is to prepare researchers who are able to conduct the type of research that the Institute funds, prepare competitive proposals that address relevant education topics, and meet the methodological requirements specified for the Institute's research grant competitions.

The work of the Institute is grounded in the principle that effective education research must address the interests and needs of education practitioners and policymakers, as well as students, parents and community members (see for the Institute's priorities). The Institute's research grant competitions targets research questions and key student outcomes of interest to education decision-makers and practitioners. These research grant programs target key student outcomes and the types of research questions posed by education decision-makers and practitioners..1 In early childhood, the primary outcomes of interest are school readiness and developmental outcomes for infants and toddlers with disabilities. From kindergarten through Grade 12, the core academic outcomes of reading, writing, mathematics, and science are the central outcomes of interest, as well as social and behavioral skills that support academic learning in school, and successful transitions to employment, independent living, and postsecondary education.

1 Descriptions of the Institute's research programs are available at