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Elizabeth Frazao

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Betsy Frazao is Assistant Deputy Director for WIC Research in the Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Program of USDA's Economic Research Service. Dr. Frazao worked several years as an International Nutrition Planner helping to develop multisectoral nutrition programs, which led to her interest in applying economic theory to nutrition-related problems. She joined ERS in 1989, where she continued to combine her interests in nutrition and economics.

She received a BS in food science from the University of California-Davis, an MS in nutritional biochemistry from MIT, and a PhD in economics from North Carolina State University.

Selected Publications:
Reed, J., E. Frazao, and R. Itskowitz. How Much Do Americans Pay for Fruits and Vegetables?, AIB No. 790, USDA, ERS, 2004.

Oliveira, V., M. Prell, D. Smallwood, and E. Frazao. WIC and the Retail Price of Infant Formula. FANRR No. 39, USDA, ERS, 2004.

Frazao, E., and J. Allshouse. "Strategies for Intervention: Commentary and Debate." Journal of Nutrition, 133, (2003):844S-847S. [Presented as part of the Symposium on Sugar and Fat: From Gene to Culture, at Experimental Biology 2002 Meeting].

Last updated: Saturday, May 26, 2012

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