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NIST Neutron Crystallography Resources

This page contains links to various documents and software of use for crystallography, particularly for use with the BT-1 neutron powder diffractometer at NIST.

Downloadable Software

See the download page, which has links for all the crystallography software found below.

1. Plotting, indexing and peak fitting

The CMPR program can be used with Windows, UNIX and OS X to do plotting, peak fitting, indexing, etc. The VMS Powder Suite program still exists, but is not supported.

2. Rietveld

We use two programs locally:

3. CIF Software

4. Database Software

Crystallographic Databases

Neither the author nor the U.S. Government makes any warranty, expressed or implied, or assumes any liability or responsibility for the use of this information or the software described here. Brand names cited here are used for identification purposes and do not consitute an endorsement by NIST. Last modified 28-March-2007 by website owner: NCNR (attn: Craig Brown)