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USAID | East Africa Regional

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Health and HIV/AIDS

A Healthier Population in the East Africa Region Achieved through African Leadership

Health and HIV/AIDS

Countries in sub-Saharan Africa are among the poorest in the world, with extremely high rates of infant, child and maternal mortality. Malaria and TB are rampant killers. Many women in the region bear up to six children and few have access to family planning services. Over 6 million adults and 600,000 children in the region are living with HIV/AIDS and millions of children have become orphans due to HIV/AIDS. The severity of health threats, the inadequacies of overburdened public health care systems and the inability of struggling economies to cope with the burden make it difficult for governments in the region to deal with the challenges.

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By working with African partners, USAID/East Africa is helping to alleviate health challenges in 12 countries in the region. USAID East Africa’s Regional Health and HIV/AIDS programs complement bilateral programs through their focus on reaching vulnerable and underserved populations, particularly in fragile and conflict-prone regions, as well as populations at border sites and along the transport corridors where communicable diseases are easily spread. USAID/East Africa responds to requests for technical assistance and works with USAID Bilateral Missions and Ministries of Health to help set regional health priorities.

USAID/East Africa implements activities in collaboration with two African-led regional institutions: the East, Central & Southern Africa Health Community (ECSA) in Arusha, Tanzania, and the Regional Centre for Quality of Health Care (RCQHC) at Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda. Through USAID support, these institutions are building African technical capacity to improve service quality, providing training on key health issues, sharing best practices across borders, and improving the policy environment in five technical areas: HIV/AIDS, improved nutrition in line with the Presidential Feed the Future and Global Health Initiatives, tuberculosis, maternal and child health and family planning/reproductive health.

Combating gender based violence, improving access to reproductive health services, and vaccinating children against potentially fatal communicable diseases are other areas in which USAID/East Africa provides assistance.

USAID/East Africa also supports a regional SafeTStop program, designed to reduce the transmission of HIV/AIDS, improve care and reduce the impact of HIV and AIDS along major transport corridors in East Africa. This program reaches the most-at-risk: truckers and host communities in stopover towns and worksites.

Working in collaboration with bilateral and other partners, millions of vulnerable people are receiving prevention, care, treatment and support services. USAID/East Africa continues to help develop concrete ways to reduce the burden of health care and improve the health status of people in the region.

Launch of ANNECA - a new Handbook on Paediatric AIDS in Africa

Launch of ANNECA - a new Handbook on Paediatric AIDS in Africa

Launch of ANNECA Handbook on Paediatric AIDS in Africa

Dr. Nathan Tumwesigye, Chair, African Network for the Care of Children Affected by AIDS, describes the regional impact of a one- of- a- kind Pediatric Aids Manual that was produced with USAID EA’s support and that will soon go in to a second printing because of high demand and use.

Dr. Nathan Tumwesigye, Chair, African Network for the Care of Children Affected by AIDS, describes the regional impact of a one- of- a- kind Pediatric Aids Manual that was produced with USAID EA's support and that will soon go in to a second printing because of high demand and use.

Cutting the ceremonial 50th cake during USAID EA’s celebration of USAID’s 50th Anniversary.

Photo: Kintu B. Zirimu

Cutting the ceremonial 50th cake during USAID EA's celebration of USAID's 50th Anniversary.

Larry Meserve USAID EA Regional Mission Director speaks during the celebration of USAID’s 50th Anniversary in Uganda October 18, 2011.

Photo: Kintu B. Zirimu

Larry Meserve USAID EA Regional Mission Director speaks during the celebration of USAID's 50th Anniversary in Uganda October 18, 2011.

Guests at USAID/EA’s 50th celebration were entertained by the Crane Performers who danced and drummed to the regional beat.

Photo: Kintu B. Zirimu

Guests at USAID/EA's 50th celebration were entertained by the Crane Performers who danced and drummed to the regional beat.

Dr. Josephine Kibaru-Mbae, Director General of the East, Central and Southern Africa Health Community helps cut ceremonial USAID 50th Anniversary cake in Uganda with USAID EA Regional Mission Director Larry Meserve, USAID/EA Regional Health Office Director Julia Henn, Jim Heiby from USAID’s Global Health Bureau in Washington, DC along with Shirley Erves, Master of Ceremonies for USAID’s 50th celebration.

Photo: Kintu B. Zirimu

Dr. Josephine Kibaru-Mbae, Director General of the East, Central and Southern Africa Health Community helps cut ceremonial USAID 50th Anniversary cake in Uganda with USAID EA Regional Mission Director Larry Meserve, USAID/EA Regional Health Office Director Julia Henn, Jim Heiby from USAID's Global Health Bureau in Washington, DC along with Shirley Erves, Master of Ceremonies for USAID's 50th celebration.

Dorothy Namuchimba, Manager, Food Security and Nutrition with  ECSA, presents best practices on USAID’s support to fortify foods in the region.

Photo: Kintu B. Zirimu

Dorothy Namuchimba, Manager, Food Security and Nutrition with ECSA, presents best practices on USAID's support to fortify foods in the region.

Dr. Odongo Odiyo, Manager, Family and Reproductive Health Programs, East, Central, Southern Africa Health Community (ECSA) presents best practices during USAID EA’s celebration of USAID’s 50th Anniversary.

Photo: Kintu B. Zirimu

Dr. Odongo Odiyo, Manager, Family and Reproductive Health Programs, East, Central, Southern Africa Health Community (ECSA) presents best practices during USAID EA's celebration of USAID's 50th Anniversary.

One country’s vote for birth spacing.


One country's vote for birth spacing.

An active effort to share materials and learn.


An active effort to share materials and learn.

Participants from Malawi promoted their work with youth.


Participants from Malawi promoted their work with youth.

Updates from the Regional Center for the Quality of Health Care (RCQHC).


Updates from the Regional Center for the Quality of Health Care (RCQHC).

Each country attending the conference had materials to share.


Each country attending the conference had materials to share.

A press conference was held after the opening with, left to right: Dr. Isaak Bashir, Director of Reproductive, Kenya Ministry of Health and Sanitation; Scott Radloff, Director, USAID/Washington, Office of Population and Reproductive Health; Dr. Edward Sambili, Permanent Secretary, Kenya Ministry of Planning; and Dr. Boniface K’Oyugi, CEO of National Coordinating Agency for Population and Development, Kenya Ministry of Planning.


A press conference was held after the opening with, left to right: Dr. Isaak Bashir, Director of Reproductive, Kenya Ministry of Health and Sanitation; Scott Radloff, Director, USAID/Washington, Office of Population and Reproductive Health; Dr. Edward Sambili, Permanent Secretary, Kenya Ministry of Planning; and Dr. Boniface K'Oyugi, CEO of National Coordinating Agency for Population and Development, Kenya Ministry of Planning.

Sharing information from the Republic of South Sudan


Sharing information from Republic of South Sudan

USAID supports culturally sensitive family planning

USAID supports culturally sensitive family planning

Left to right: Ugandan Minister of Health, Hon. Dr. Stephen Malinga;

Photo: ECSA

Left to right: Ugandan Minister of Health, Hon. Dr. Stephen Malinga; Director of Social Transformation Programmes, Commonwealth Secretariat, London, Dr. Sylvia Anie; and Zimbabwean Minister of Health and Child Welfare, Hon. Dr. Henry Madzorera.

A demonstration of neonatal resuscitation using the Helping Babies Breathe training package.


A demonstration of neonatal resuscitation using the Helping Babies Breathe training package.

USAID/East Africa’s Regional Director, Larry Meserve, left, and  the Director General of the East, Central and Southern Africa Health Community (ECSA-HC), Josephine Kibaru-Mbae, right during the signing ceremony.

USAID/East Africa’s Regional Director, Larry Meserve, left, and the Director General of the East, Central and Southern Africa Health Community (ECSA-HC), Josephine Kibaru-Mbae, right during the signing ceremony.

A Bukavu business mentor guiding youth entrepreneurs in business planning.

Photo: FHI

A Bukavu business mentor guiding youth entrepreneurs in business planning.

"Family Day" is a community event organized monthly by a "cluster" of low-income women. Through events such as this they increase awareness of gender-based violence and generate demand for health services.

Photo: FHI

"Family Day" is a community event organized monthly by a "cluster" of low-income women. Through events such as this they increase awareness of gender-based violence and generate demand for health services.

"Family Day" is a community event organized monthly by a "cluster" of low-income women. Through events such as this they increase awareness of gender-based violence and generate demand for health services.

Photo: FHI

"Family Day" is a community event organized monthly by a "cluster" of low-income women. Through events such as this they increase awareness of gender-based violence and generate demand for health services.

Robert Clay Director, Office of HIV/AIDS, USAID/Washington.

Photo: FHI

Robert Clay Director, Office of HIV/AIDS, USAID/Washington.

Participants reviewing Kenya’s Accelerating Family Planning Action Plan.

Photo: USAID/Rwanda

Participants reviewing Kenya's Accelerating Family Planning Action Plan.

A participant raises a question during the discussion on prioritizing child health interventions.


A participant raises a question during the discussion on prioritizing child health interventions.

Left to right: Kenyan Health Minister, Hon. Beth Mugo; First Deputy Prime Minister Uganda, Hon. Eriya Kategaya; Director General of ESCA Health Community, Hellen Lugina at the ECSA Health Ministers’ conference in Kampala, Uganda.

Photo: ECSA-HC

Left to right: Kenyan Health Minister, Hon. Beth Mugo; First Deputy Prime Minister Uganda, Hon. Eriya Kategaya; Director General of ESCA Health Community, Hellen Lugina at the ECSA Health Ministers’ conference in Kampala, Uganda.

J. Scott Gration (center), President Obama’s Special Envoy to Sudan, at the SafeTStop Recreation and HIV Resource Center.

Photo: FHI

J. Scott Gration (center), President Obama’s Special Envoy to Sudan, at the SafeTStop Recreation and HIV Resource Center.

Eri silk worms feeding on Castor plant.

Photo: Family Health International

Eri silk worms feeding on Castor plant.

Winners of the 2009 AfriComNet Awards for Excellence in HIV/AIDS Communication in Africa.

Photo: USAID/East Africa

Winners of the 2009 AfriComNet Awards for Excellence in HIV/AIDS Communication in Africa.

Dr. Steven Shongwe, Director General, ECSA–HC (left) and Mr. Lawrence Meserve, Deputy Director USAID/East Africa (right) signing the grant agreement.

Photo: James Watiti, ECSA–HC

Dr. Steven Shongwe, Director General, ECSA–HC (left) and Mr. Lawrence Meserve, Deputy Director USAID/East Africa (right) signing the grant agreement.

HIV Message

Photo: 2005 Helen Dombalis, Courtesy of Photoshare

Mother and child

Photo: 2007 Mary Atieno Otieno/Rural-Kenya World Cultural

Mother and baby

Photo: 2005 Virginia Lamprecht, Courtesy of Photoshare

Girl with sweet potatoes

Photo: Andrew Haugen, Courtesy of Photoshare

An African man looks at a sample through a microsocope.

Members of PLHA cluster

Mother with child

Sleeping child

Mother and child

Women at clinic

Postcard from the Road - Malaba, Uganda

Photo: FHI

Addressing Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in the Context of HIV

Mother and child.



Postcards from the Road - March 6, 2008

Postcard from the Road

Photo: Robert Ritzenthaler

FHI Regional Update

Photo: Robert Ritzenthaler

Workers inspect new washers and dryers

Photo: Sunflag

Staff inspect the four sets of washers and dryers with chemical feed systems in Sunflag’s Arusha factory.

Guide leaders work on food groups exercise.

Girl Guide leaders work on a food groups exercise during a Training of Teachers activity for the Anemia Prevention Badge.

People at Alcohlics Anonymous Meeting

Photo: Robert Ritzenthaler

The People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLHA)cluster in Busia, Kenya, holds its weekly Alcoholics Anonymous meeting to discuss substance abuse and other issues, including HIV and adherence to antiretroviral therapy.

People receive bags of maize

Photo: Robert Ritzenthaler

Members of the Malaba People Living with HIV/AIDS Cluster pose with maize seeds donated by the Ministry of Agriculture. The Ministry provided one ton of certified seeds to complement agricultural training at LifeWorks Shamba.

Musician in Sudan

Photo: Stephanie Weber

A young musician serenades the crowd with HIV and AIDS awareness songs using local instruments.

Malaria net distribution

Photo: Robert Ritzenthaler

Through an agreement with the World Health Organization, the People Living with HIV and AIDS (PLHA) cluster in Malaba, Uganda distributes insecticide-treated nets to AIDS-affected families.

Branding on drugstore

Photo: Robert Ritzenthaler

A Tanzanian medical store operator trained by Howard University/PACE Center displays SafeTStop branding to promote quality HIV services.

Street theater performs.

Photo: USAID/Janet Bland

The Magnet Theater interacts with audiences at critical points in performances. This creates an opportunity to pass on health messages and to understand the views and reactions of the audience.

Women doing bead work.

Photo: USAID/Janet Bland

Family Health International Director Gail Goodridge with some of the men and women working at the LifeWorks Shukrani Home and Accessories Facility.

Ambassador Ranneberger addresses crowd.

Photo: USAID/Janet Bland

Ambassador Michael E. Ranneberger congratulates LifeWorks, its leaders and many partners in their innovative contribution to HIV and AIDS prevention efforts.

Mnazi sellers in Mariakani

Photo: Robert Ritzenthaler

Mnazi sellers in Mariakani Kenya are partnering with ROADS clusters to promote HIV prevention through their work

Women sewing at LifeWorks factory.

Photo: Suzanne Seitz

Women produce beadwork for home furnishings.

Photo: Suzanne Seitz

Women working at the Mariakani LifeWorks Home and Fashion Unit manufacture upscale products for sale at tourist hotels and export markets in the United States and Europe.

Incinerator for medical waste.

AFTER: New incinerators built by the PECSE Project help to manage medical waste effectively.

Medical refuse is left on the ground.

BEFORE: Poor medical waste management.

Sterile medical equipment.

AFTER: Through training, nurses learn to keep instruments sterile to prevent infection.

Medical equipment is disarray.

BEFORE: Before nurses were trained, medical instruments were maintained in a haphazard way.

Woman and child in clinic.

Photo: Leslie Rose/USAID

USAID provides health care through its regional health and HIV/AIDS programs.

Handbook on Paediatric AIDS in Africa


The Pediatric HIV/AIDS Handbook that is in such high demand.